Created at 10pm, Feb 17
Dirty Wicked Prince: A Dark High School Bully Romance. - Eden O' Neil
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Overall, \'Dirty Wicked Prince: A Dark High School Bully Romance\' likely offers readers a compelling and intense story that explores themes of love, power, and self-discovery within a high school setting, albeit with darker and more controversial elements compared to traditional romance novels.

But not only was he acknowledging my brother, he got in on the bro fest too. Thatcher made room for him to get in, my brother now tucked between Dorian Prinze and Ares Mallick. These guys actually looked like his friends. Bru? My brother glanced in my direction when I ventured out of the shadows, and my appearance put an ice bath on the moment like Id never seen. The guys dropped their arms from around my brother, Dorian stopping in his tracks. He stared right at me, full on, and I didnt know what to do. Id managed to escape those dark brown eyes in recent days. Hed been all but ignoring me since the incident. He wasnt now. Those ebony pools charged black like hot coals. His chin lifted in my direction. Honestly, with that heated look, I wasnt sure whether he wanted to strike me or kiss me. It could have gone either way. But the thought of the latter Truly, it made me uncomfortable. How my thoughts could even go there
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It was like hed brought me down to my knees again. And the others noticed. Most especially Ares. He passed a glance between us, his arm coming around his buddy. That one move blinked Dorian out of whatever trance hed been in, and I took the opportunity to approach my brother. Good job today, I said to him, noticing his teammates backing off. Ares kept Dorian real close, and suddenly, Dorian was on his phone. Apparently, my appearance really meant nothing to the dark prince. After what had happened, I was beneath him, hate or otherwise. Why I felt anything about that I didnt know. My brother nodded at me. Thanks, Bru mumbled, gazing back to his friends. The Legacy boys had moved on to their fangirls. They and the other football guys had groupies who stayed after the game to see the players. I knew because I saw them whenever I came to a game. The groupie bitches had called me all kinds of things when I waited
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I put up with it so I could see my brother. Deciding to speed this little visit up, I reached into my pocket and gave my brother the gift Id gotten for him. I had told myself Id give it to him once they really started to let him play. Its not much, I said, referring to the football key chain I ordered a couple weeks ago. I shrugged. Its to go on your key ring for your car. It really wasnt much, just a little football with his initials: BHS. His middle name was Henry. He smiled a little, the chain on his finger. You didnt have to do that. I hoped for an olive branch, idiot, I said, tapping his shoulder with my fist. It made him laugh a little, which was good. I shrugged. And maybe dinner. We could go someplace and celebrate. His smile fell a little. He pointed his thumb back. Actually, the team and I were going to go to Jaxs. Its a burger place in town.
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Id seen them but had never gone there. Bruno stared at me. I mean, you probably could come. If you want. His teammates behind him maybe had girls in the distance, but I was well aware I wasnt invited to this shindig. And Dorian stared at me again. His inky-dark pools eased away from his cell phone, almost a dare in his eyes. Like he dared me to come and possibly get in his way again. I really didnt know what this guys problem was. What Id done so badly by simply existing, but I didnt want to make more trouble for Bru than I already had. I did care about him, and his happiness far outweighed mine. That was just how it was. I was his sister. Actually, thats okay. You go ahead and have a fun night, I said, facing him. You know how I bury myself in my work. Whenever he found me, I was in my art room Callum had arranged for me. I was a frequent flier since I had zero social life since coming to this town.
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