Created at 9pm, Jan 5
Lauren's Barbarian
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I am, as well. But we are hunters. We are not mothers. I watch as Lren plays with the kit. Ichai is gone, dead this past moon. Her mate Vden died not long after they resonated. I remember how lucky I thought Vden to have resonated to the very last female of our kind. That was the last of his luck, and now his kit is here with us, motherless. I watch Lren as she cradles Zhren in her lap, feeding him the mush and nibbling on bites of her own food. My clan is so small that all of us matter. What if her clan is no one but her friend? Her Mrsl? She deserves to see her. She deserves to have her at her side. If Mrsl has not resonated to Rjaal, she should come home with us. I will have to fight him, because he will not want to give her up. But for my mate, I will do anything. My Lren asked about her friend today, I tell Jshel and Ndek. She spoke? Jshel looks surprised, tossing his long braid back over his shoulder. She learned our words that quickly?
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She told me in words and gestures. She wants her clan at her side. I must go tomorrow and take her to see Mrsl, her friend. Lren looks over at me in surprise. Mrsl? There is excitement and hope on her face. I nod at her. Tomorrow. I am taking her to the clan of the Tall Horn so she can see her friend. And if she has not resonated to one of their clan Then you will bring her back to see if she resonates to one of us? Jshel asks, rubbing his hands eagerly and glancing over at Ndek, who seems equally enthusiastic. I will see if she wants to, I warn them. If she wishes to stay with Tall Horn, I cannot force her to leave. Shall I come with you? Jshel asks. His excitement is palpable. I can carry Zhren on my back.
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Ndek immediately glances away. I know what he is thinking that Jshel will get to see the female before him because he has two good legs, while Ndek must remain behind, forgotten. It seems unfair. No, I say slowly. They will be suspicious if I bring someone unmated. For now, it will just be myself and my mate. Lren looks at me with hopeful eyes, and when she gazes at me like that, I would fight every male on this island just to see her happy. I hope it does not come to that. 11 LAUREN
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T he men talk for a time after dinner, making plans in low voices. I dont follow any of it, but I occasionally hear my name and that of Marisol. Every time I speak up, Kthar just smiles at me and nods, and I have to trust that he is actually going to take me to my friend. I dont think he would lie, but Im also hoping Im not completely misunderstanding things. When the suns go down, Jshel takes the baby and heads up to his sleeping spot and Ndek prepares his bed with fresh leaves that Kthars gathered for him. They dont seem to be big fans of fire here, so when the light is gone, its pretty much bedtime. That leaves just me and Kthar to retire to our spot high up in the tree. Bedtime. I cant help but think about last night and I get all flushed wondering what tonight is going to be like. Not that I should be thinking about stuff like that.
id: c1dab4e9439745fee17a0c2b4b678651 - page: 125
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