Created at 6pm, Jan 4
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SRC20 coinlerine linkten ulaşabilirsiniz!

SRC20 Protocol Integration: Understanding SRC-20 Protocol: StampMap leverages the SRC-20 protocol, a unique approach to data embedding within Bitcoin transactions. This protocol introduces a novel method for the secure representation of digital assets on the Bitcoin blockchain. Integration Within Bitcoin Transactions: Unlike traditional Ordinals, SRC-20 tokens, also known as Stamps, utilize the UTXO model within Bitcoin transactions. This integration ensures the permanence and immutability of data within the Bitcoin blockchain. Each transaction involving $STMAP tokens becomes a lasting record within the robust Bitcoin network. 17 STAMPMAP STAMPMAP Key Benefits of SRC-20 Protocol: Permanence & Immutability: SRC-20 tokens, including $STMAP, are embedded directly into the UTXO set of the the Bitcoin blockchain. This permanent and unchangeable nature of the data, providing a level of security and trust unparalleled by other methods.
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Industries such as finance, real estate, and law, where enduring records are crucial, can benefit from the tamper-proof and time-stamped nature of Stamps. Security & Reliability: SRC-20 protocol enhances the security and reliability of data by preventing the removal or pruning of Stamps from the blockchain. This inherent permanence makes SRC-20 tokens a more secure and reliable choice for the long-term storage of valuable digital assets and collectibles. Efficiency & Scalability: SRC-20 tokens are designed to occupy minimal space on the blockchain, ensuring they have a negligible impact on the overall efficiency and scalability of the Bitcoin network. This addresses growing concerns about blockchain bloat and network performance. 18 STAMPMAP STAMPMAP 10. Project Development Updates
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Two-Phase Development Approach: StampMap embraces a deliberate two-phase development strategy to ensure a robust and functional platform. The first phase (V1) involves the initial development and launch of the map, hosted on centralized servers for expedited release. The second phase (V2) focuses on transitioning to a fully on-chain solution. This strategic approach acknowledges the complexity of on-chain development and aims to deliver a functional product promptly. Developer Progress for V1 and V2: The development team has successfully identified a capable developer for StampMap's initial phase (V1), scheduled for the first quarter of 2024 (subject to no delays). While this developer specializes in V1, a dedicated developer familiar with the SRC20 protocol will take the lead for the subsequent on-chain development (V2). Explorations are underway to determine the feasibility of a single developer overseeing both phases for enhanced coordination.
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Collaboration with Stamps Developers: StampMap has established collaboration with developers from the Stamps community, facilitated by mikeinspace, the creator of Stamps. The involvement of experienced developers familiar with the SRC20 protocol enhances the project's technical foundation. Ongoing discussions with potential developers ensure that the project aligns with best practices and benefits from the expertise within the broader SRC20 ecosystem. 19 STAMPMAP STAMPMAP 11. On-Chain Coordinating the Canvas Integration
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "XUYpb2FQ3c7TU9coNagDKobCEyJMhkGqEg4H1g4inYg", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "XUYpb2FQ3c7TU9coNagDKobCEyJMhkGqEg4H1g4inYg", "level": 2}'