Created at 11am, Feb 22
Exploring the Essence of Locale: Discovering Identity within the World
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Explores the Concept of Place and its Impact on Genuine Self-Understanding. This inquiry embarks on an examination by delving into phenomenological and humanistic perspectives on place, serving as foundational knowledge for subsequent chapters.

344). Antipsychiatry preserves and gives power to the individual to be authentic to themselves.
id: 483c01e9d4510262e1062b687d7260c6 - page: 2
Foucault explains when the great asylum structures were established at the beginning of the nineteenth century, they were justified by a marvelous harmony between the requirements of public orderwhich demanded protection from the disorder of the madand the needs of therapy which demanded isolation of the patients. Esquirol gave five main reasons to justify isolating the mad (ibid): to ensure their personal safety and the safety of their families; to free them from outside influences; to overcome their personal resistances; to subject them to a medical regimen; to impose new intellectual and moral habits on them.
id: 5426d35f0c19bca79ccaa351d7dc80ba - page: 2
Power, Foucault and Place 111
id: 0f67fea36b8b4a171747dd66a46f7ab6 - page: 2
These reasons highlight that the asylum was constructed to gain power over madness, to master the madmans power; neutralizing external powers that may be exerted on him; establishing a power of therapy and training (dressage)an orthopedicsover him (ibid). Foucault says it is this institution as site, form of distribution, and mechanism of these power relationships that antipsychiatry attacks (ibid) and this is important to preserve authenticity to place. Uncovering the false justifications for confinement that, in a purified site, would make it possible to observe what is the case and where, when, and how one should intervene, antipsychiatry brings out the relationships of domination peculiar to the institutional relationship (ibid). The example of the asylum given in this chapter highlights how disciplinary power creates individuals without an authentic place who are a citizen without rights, handed over to the arbitrariness of the doctor and nurses, who can do with him what they
id: 60d2b0749e304f995042004751d9705d - page: 2
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