Created at 8pm, Jan 4
Wedding Photography Tips
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Wedding Photographer Gets Up High Have you always wanted to get everyone into the same shot as a wedding photographer? You want everyone to be included but in some situations, there are hundreds of people at an event. It is impossible, in most situations, to plan this type of photo if you are going to have everyone looking directly at you at eye level. It just will not work because there are too many faces to get into the shot. You can pull off this shot, though. The key is to get yourself up high. In group shots, where there are a lot of people, it can be best for you to climb up high and show off a bit of your skill. Take a picture of the group facing down, looking down upon them from a high position. How can you do this successfully?
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It may mean that you need to plan to have a ladder available to you. If you are at the ceremony location, get into the balcony for a up high shot. Be sure to get everyone to look at you in some way. If it is still not possible for you to get the shot you want to, get up on the roof (with 11 permission and with safety at the front of the mind!) The key here is to get to a higher level that allows you to get more people into the view of the photo. It is not always possible to get the entire group into the shot, especially when there is just no way to get everyone into the frame from a great distance without losing the quality of the shot. Still, you should try it. Plan to have some type of system in place to get you higher than the group.
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This process works best before everyone is actually getting apart from each other. A good place to do it is right outside the church or wedding ceremony location. Everyone is still there and they can easily be grouped together. This may not be one of the formal shots that you have done before, but if you pull it off, you will find that your clients will love it. That should be enough to keep you doing it! Best of all; remember that as a wedding photographer this can be one of those shots you keep doing at each of the weddings that you shoot.
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Showcase Your Photos At The Wedding Reception Did you know that you can take full advantage of the wedding reception not just as a way to get word of mouth advertising but also as a way to showcase the beautiful pictures you are taking? One tip that you may find useful as a wedding photographer is to bring along your laptop if you are using digital cameras. Digital cameras provide you with the ability to see the photos right away. This can actually serve as a type of advertising for you, while also adding something magical to this very special day.
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How to Retrieve?
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curl -X POST "" \
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# Query

curl -X POST "" \
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