Created at 8pm, Jan 4
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Exercise abbreviates stress and helps to relax you. A reduction in stress will help lower blood pressure. Stress likewise adversely affects your immune system, making stress reduction a crucial priority. Exercise increases your stamina as well as bone and muscle strength, flexibleness and balance, which becomes more crucial as you age. Serotonin levels better with exercise so risk of depression is reduced. Its intriguing to note that when individuals engage in regular physical activity, they tend to take better care of their bodies. Those who exercise tend to consume a more balanced diet, and have lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels than those who don't. Chapter 3: Learn New Things Daily Synopsis The mental aspect of our energy will ascertain how effectively we may utilize the physical capacity of energy. A commitment to learning fresh things every day is among the most beneficial ways to keep your mental
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Although there's inherent value in the added knowledge gained from learning, the action of learning itself may be an excellent way to better your mental energies. Challenge Your Brain If you dont already read at any rate one non-fiction book a month, make that your resolution. I personally read anyplace from 1-2 books a week, almost all of the time non-fiction. Although fiction may be an excellent way to stimulate the imagination, there are a lot of ways you are able to do that, but unluckily the mental learning gained from non-fiction books doesnt bear as many alternatives. Learning doesnt even have to be directed toward a particular purpose. Even if you dont have to learn anything fresh to maintain the point you are in your life right today, pick up something you find intriguing and learn about it anyways. Many individuals never pick up another book after they leave senior high school. Learning has to be a lifelong habit, not simply a chore to get a
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Most of our social circles are limited to individuals inside our same age range or have like interests. Interacting with these individuals will not bring you fresh experiences and chances. There are reasons why networking sessions are so powerfully recommended. They bring diverse individuals together who are interested in meeting more individuals. Every participant gets multiple chances to learn something new, either from the speaker or their peers. If you're less inclined in meeting individuals, attempt surfing to some internet forums you've never been to before. Go to a class. Sign up for a class. Dance classes, hobby related classes appear really popular to individuals who have a bit more time. They may have something of interest to you too. There are numerous places on the internet to learn something new. Acquire a hobby. This is an additional great way to try something new. Some individuals likewise manage to successfully turn their hobby into part
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Study every article in your newspaper. Have you been guilty of scanning article titles and only reading the ones you've interest in? You paid the full price for the paper so make full use of it. Study each article. It may take you an whole hour by the price is well spent. Newspaper articles are commonly well researched and have quality writing in them. Thats something you wont find on the net consistently. Chapter 4: Stimulate Your Brain With Games Synopsis Our brain is the most over-the-top and complex creation in the universe, so it's worth feeding, nurturing, and offerings of challenges. Your brain works much better than you may think. It's capable of making a
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "Y-BqZadsOjDLeBoCJDAqI-zjFFYZSyZz1x-k7SSigAI", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "Y-BqZadsOjDLeBoCJDAqI-zjFFYZSyZz1x-k7SSigAI", "level": 2}'