Created at 9pm, Jan 5
Motivational Bites
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Great leaders achieve greatness by passion and truthfulness its not about what race you are but how truthful you 5 can become. Leaders are lifted high and exalted for their selfless passion and truthfulness. 19. Be yourself because it is beautiful. Why would you stop showing yourself and create a facade to conceal your true self? Life is beautiful and so are you. Theres no reason not to let the world know who you are. 20. Your true being isnt portrayed by how others see you but by how you show others the truth is, people will continue to believe whatever they see and whatever you do, be sure it truthfully signifies your true self. 21. The truth can never be kept hidden. It is like smoke that rises in the air that does not go unseen never tell a lie or live with a lie. The truth will always come to pass anyway. 22. Authenticity comes at a price of integrity, transparency, and vulnerability these are the factors that make something or
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23. Being ourselves is more of a gamble. There is the risk of persecution and there is the risk of winning big the truth always comes with a price. 6 24. Concealing the truth in exchange for safety is not the best path to dwell in desperate times, the truth demands to be sealed but doing so comes with a hefty lifelong price. 25. With the truth within you, it is easy to become a better person than anyone else theres no shame in admitting the truth. No matter how hard it may be, the truth is always the best choice. 26. A transparent heart and a sincere life comes with no persuasive equal the driving force of influence is easily achieved through living your life with no restricting walls. 27. The absence of transparency creates the wall of distrust and confinement of insecurity the actions we do and the decisions we make creates a ripple effect. 28. When things and people are transparent, they are likely to
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7 Versatility 29. In life, winning is not the years of earning but rather how you adapted to the circumstances that made you a winner. 30. The strongest and the smartest does not necessarily imply that they are the ones to last. Sometimes it takes more than that and something called adaptability. 31. Should you encounter various challenges, the only thing that can bog you down is the inability to accept change. 32. Life in its own way comes with changes that we need to embrace. Its those who fail to accept change that gets left behind in the race of life. 33. Any successful organization is made up of people who are capable of adapting to change. 34. Most individuals see opportunity as a rare occasion. Versatile individuals on the other hand, see the change as the spark of new
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35. Circumstances that you have to endure in life can be redirected as favorable events if you have the ability to adapt. 8 36. Like water in a vessel, a wise person adapts to circumstances that surrounds him. 37. When you let go of what you are, you will open the doors to what more you could be. 38. Life has many mountains to climb. Do not falter if you fall because the journey in life is the reward for your hardships. Strive To Succeed 39. If you wish to be successful, you need to develop habits that will help you get there. 40. Think positive even if you are faced with a lot of difficulties. 41. Hope will help you get through and it can give you strength to pursue your dreams. 42. Apart from thinking positively, your actions must also be positive. 43. Anybody can become successful. You just have to be focused in achieving your goals. 9
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