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PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION.i HE object of this treatise is not so much to give anarrative history of the countries included in the RomanoGermanic Empire—Italy during the middle ages, Ger- many from the ninth century to the nineteenth—as to describe the Holy Empire itself as an institution orsystem, the wonderful offspring of a body of beliefs andtraditions which have almost wholly passed away fromthe world. Such a description, however, would not beintelligible without some account of the great events which accompanied the growth and decay of imperialpower; and it has therefore appeared best to give the book the form rather of a narrative than of a disserta- tion ; and to combine with an exposition of what may becalled the theory of the Empire an outline of the politicalhistory of Germany, as well as some notices of the affairs of mediaeval Italy. To make the succession of eventsclearer, a Chronological List of Emperors and Popes has been prefixed.The present edition has been carefully revised andcorrected throughout ; and a good many additions havebeen made to both text and notes.Lincoln's Inn, August II, 1870. The author has in preparation, and hopes before long to complete and publish, a set of chronological tables which maybe made to serve as a sort of skeleton history of mediaeval Germany

id: 66fbed56b61a8a3dcc71355aa4ec16e8 - page: 240
Frederick II had at the era of the Great Interregnum ^. by two Pragmatic Sanctions, a.d. 1220 and 1232, granted, or rather confirmed, rights already customary, such as to give the bishops and nobles legal sovereignty in their own towns and territories, except when the Emperor should be present ; and thus his direct jurisdiction became restricted to his narrowed domain, and to the cities immeWith so much less diately dependent on the crown. to do, an Emperor became altogether a less necessary personage ; and hence the seven magnates of the realm, now by law or custom sole electors, were in no haste to fill up the place of Conrad IV, whom the supporters of his father Frederick had acknowledged. William of Holland was in the field, but rejected by the Swabian party: on his death a new election was called for, and The archbishop of Cologne advised at last set on foot. his brethren to choose some one rich enough to support the dignity, not strong enough to be feared by the electors : both
id: ebc50f0340de286994eca595ffa284e8 - page: 240
He received three, eventually four votes, came to Germany, and was crowned at Aachen. But three of the electors, finding that his bribe to them was lower than to the others, seceded in disgust, and chose Alfonso X of Castile c, who, shrewder than his competitor, continued to watch the stars at Toledo, enjoying the splendours of his title while troubling himself about it no further than to issue now and then a proclamation. Meantime
id: dc03b49ff2305a4f1d3c4fc0b736110f - page: 240
^ The interregnum is by some reckoned as the two years before Richard's election ; by others, as the whole period from the death of Frederick II or that of his son Conrad IV till Rudolfs accession in 1273. ^ Surnamed, from his scientific ' the Wise.' ^ Surnamed, from his scientific ' the Wise.' FALL OF THE HOHENSTAUFEN.
id: 925b34f07170d7f42c59e6faa508246d - page: 240
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