Created at 12pm, Jan 18
Tennis Study Guide
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Tennis Study Guide

Backcourt Most of the shots are the same as other racket sports. When the arm crosses the body and the back of the hand is facing the net it is referred to as a backhand. The stroke with the palm facing the net is called a forehand. The serve is the stroke that starts each point. A volley is any stroke that doesnt let the ball bounce. An arcing shot over the opponents head is a lob. Drop shots are short hits that barely go over the net. Rally is a term used to describe the ball being hit back and forth. Players/Positions/Skills Tennis can be played one versus one (singles) or two versus two (doubles). One versus two could be played recreationally. Doubles matches enlarge the court to include the long narrow rectangles on both sides of the court. These are called doubles alleys and are not used for singles matches. Positioning on the court depends on skill level. Doubles matches incorporate a lot more volleying.
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Rules/Faults Stepping over the baseline or crossing the center mark would be a foot fault. Missing the diagonal service court is a fault. Missing both attempts to serve is called a double fault and rewards the opponent a point. If the ball contacts the net and lands in the correct service court, the point is replayed. A player shall award a point to their opponent when: The ball touches them; this includes catching the ball They touch the net or the opponents court while the ball is in play The ball is contacted before it crosses the net They carry or double hit the ball The ball bounces more than once in that players court All lines are part of the court and therefor considered in.
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Let Any time Let is called; the point is replayed, no matter the circumstance. Interference, legal plays, or any other situation that cant be resolved should be replayed. During the serve there are two scenarios that would cause a let: Receiver not being ready or the ball hitting the net before landing in. Serving Both feet must be behind the baseline and to the left or right of the center mark before contacting the ball. The ball must be contacted before hitting the ground. The serve must go over the net without touching it and land in the service court diagonal to the server. The first serve of each game is always from the right side of the court. The server has two chances to get the ball in the correct service court. Each point thereafter alternates from the left back to the right. The number of points played is always even on the right and odd on the left.
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Etiquette Calling out the score is an expectation before serving. Always say the serving teams score first. The server should have two balls so that the game isnt interrupted between serves. Components of Fitness Tennis is an excellent lifetime sport that requires cardiorespiratory endurance. Muscular endurance kicks in during match play.
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "YYtGsa_pkwLQbMtek0iLLKr577RDWU_U00d_WHWaaGc", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "YYtGsa_pkwLQbMtek0iLLKr577RDWU_U00d_WHWaaGc", "level": 2}'