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Many of the lectures printed in this volume have formed the basis of a seriesgiven at Teachers College, Columbia University, during the summer sessions of1914 and 1915, and during the academic year 1914-1915. Others were addressedto parents, to groups of men, to women's clubs, and to conferences on sexeducation. In order to avoid extensive repetition, there has been somecombination and rearrangement of lectures that originally were addressed togroups of people with widely different outlooks on the sexual problems.Several years ago the late Dr. Prince A. Morrow announced that a volumedealing with many of the timely topics of sex-education was to be prepared bythe undersigned with the advice and criticism of a committee of the AmericanFederation for Sex-Hygiene; but even before Dr. Morrow's death it becameevident that this plan was impracticable. Three members (Morrow, Balliet,Bigelow) of the original committee collaborated in a report presented at the XVInternational Congress on Hygiene and Demography. Since that time the writer,working independently, has found it desirable to reorganize completely theoriginal outline announced by Dr. Morrow.In accordance with a declaration made voluntarily in a conversation with Dr.Morrow, the author considers himself pledged to devote all royalties from thisbook to the movement for sex-education.Among the many persons to whom is due acknowledgment of helpfulness inthe preparation of this book, the author is especially indebted for suggestions tothe late Dr. Prince A. Morrow, to Dr. William F. Snow, Secretary of theAmerican Social Hygiene Association, and to Dr. Edward L. Keyes, Jr.,President of the Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis; for constructivecriticism, to his colleagues, Professor Jean Broadhurst and Miss Caroline E.Stackpole, of Teachers College, who have read carefully both the originallectures and the completed manuscript; and to Olive Crosby Whitin (Mrs.Frederick H. Whitin), executive secretary of the Society of Sanitary and MoralProphylaxis, who has suggested and criticized helpfully both as a reader of themanuscript and as an auditor of many of the lectures delivered at TeachersCollege

We find this tendency in the demand for a certain type of sexproblem novels, we see it frequently on the stage and in motion pictures, and we hear it in general conversation. The advertised suggestion of sexual immorality in a forthcoming serial novel often raises surprisingly the circulation of certain magazines. A few hints of sexual irregularity in certain plays have brought crowded audiences. A scandalous divorce case, reported as freely as the law allows, is a choice morsel for average readers of newspapers. Everywhere it is the sexual abnormality, perversity, and even bestial vulgarity, that seems to attract the most attention. Books and magazines and theaters and preachers who extol the normal and bright side of sex-life are not now extremely popular with the masses of people. As a well-known magazine recently summarized the pr
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clock in America." There is no denying the fact that in recent years the popular interest in sex problems has taken a dangerous turn. It is time for those who are active in the sex-education movement to note the signs of the times, for an effective educational scheme for young people must take into account the present tendency towards a dangerous interest in literature relating to sexual abnormality, especially immorality. All this tendency towards interest in the abnormal or irregular sexual problems must cause not a little worry to those whose interest is primarily in securing widespread recognition of the advantages of normal and moral living.
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Need of interest in normal sex life.
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Perhaps those who are seriously interested in sex-education may help stem the tide towards interest in sexual abnormality by using greater care in the selection of literature, both for young people and for their elders. I recently met a superintendent of schools who had carefully read certain large volumes on the medical, psychical, and social abnormalities of sex, and many books and pamphlets on the social evil. Altogether he had read more than five thousand pages on the immoral and abnormal aspects of sex. He wanted to know where he might find a book on the normal side of sex in its physiological, psychological, and ethical aspects. Unfortunately, there is no such treatise by an author whose scientific standing equals that of several of those who have written extensively on the abnormal side; and probably this is in part the reason why so many young men and women are now molding their ideas of sexual life according to the pat
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