Created at 10pm, Apr 5
Good men and true, and Hit the line hard by Eugene Manlove Rhodes
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Good men and true, and Hit the line hard by Eugene Manlove Rhodes

Well? said Jeff. The outlaw sat him down on a crumbling wall. I value your good opeenion, Mr. Bransford, and I would not have ye judge that fear held me from fightin ye, drop or no drop. Twould have done no good to any one and I should certainly have been killed. Men, yeve a grand idee of strategy yourself. I wouldna hae ye think Im daft enough to throw away my life to no good purpose. But there the case is verra diffrent. There are no thick walls now to muffle the noise: ye canna keel me wioot muckle deesturbance, bringin the police on ye. Thorpe has friends here, verra alert folk--and gin he gets wind o any deesturbance at just this place--ye see! He wagged his head in slow cunning; he drew in a long breath. _Ho!_ he bellowed. _Ho! Murder!_ [Illustration: THEY PULLED HIM DOWN, FIGHTING SAVAGELY.--Page 166.] Damnation! said Jeff, and sprang at his throat. The others had his arms: they pulled him down, fighting savagely, turned him over, piled on his back, and gagged him
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. But it was too late. Two policemen were already running down the street. The neighbors, however, kept prudently within doors. Jeff, you and Pringle hike for the U. S. A., gasped Leo. Get Thorpe, anyhow. Ill tap this devil dumb, and stay here and stand the gaff, to give you a start. Hold on! Dont do it, said Beebe. Let me talk to the policemen. Do you tie Mr. MacGregor up. Talk to--why you cant even speak Spanish! said Pringle. You dont know me. Watch! said Billy. Without waiting for further remonstrance he went to meet the advancing officers. They halted; there was a short colloquy and, to the amazement of the three friends, they turned amicably back together and passed from sight at the next corner. Let me make a suggestion, said Aughinbaugh. Lug this gentleman back to Jeffs quarters, tie him up tight, and I think I can undertake to keep him while you get your man. As soon as you have Thorpe, see Tillotsons lawyers and let them swear out warrants for the arrest of Patterson and the
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MacGregor legally. You can have them arrested for kidnapping or illegal detention, and held here until we can get extradition papers. You might send some one--or two, or three--over right away, in case Mr. Borrowman drops in. He might eat me if he found me there alone. For myself, I am not sorry to remain in
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I have no desire for prominence. You fellows are going back to Rainbow--and youre used to trouble anyway, so its all very well for you. But I have to stay here and Im a legal-minded person. This will be a hanging matter for some of em before they get done with it. Theyll talk like the parrot. Ive no desire to make a lot of enemies. Theres no knowing how many leading lights may be implicated in this thing when they go to turning states evidence. Here he was interrupted by a kick from the gagged prisoner. It was not a vicious kick and evidently meant only to attract attention. They bent over him. He was shaking his head; in the starlight his eyes blazed denial. I didnt mean you, said George, respectfully and apologetically. Im sure you wouldnt do such a thing. But Borrowman might, and Patterson will be even more likely to betray the others to save his own neck. The eyes expressed gloomy agreement. At Pringles urging, Mac consented to walk back down to the underground room
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