Created at 11am, Jan 24
Optimizing Self-Organizing Plasma Jet Streams: A Theoretical Framework with Applications in Medicine and Material Processing
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This article introduces a novel theoretical model for optimizing self-organizing plasma jet streams, with a focus on applications in medical procedures and material processing. It presents a comprehensive set of mathematical equations and expressions to control the dynamics of plasma streamers.Thornton, Kaylin. (2024). Optimizing Self-Organizing Plasma Jet Streams: A Theoretical Framework with Applications in Medicine and Material Processing. 10.13140/RG.2.2.14860.28809.

3 Control Mechanism A real-time control system is proposed for adjusting V (t) based on desired streamer behavior, defined as: V (t) = V0 sin(t + ) Additionally, the spatial configuration d(x) is dynamically adjusted to manipulate the field strength along the jet path. 1 (1) (2) (3) View publication stats 4 Application in Medical Plasma Jets For medical applications, such as targeted tissue treatment, the efficiency is calculated by: (cid:90) Treatment Efficiency = S(x, t) dx dt 5 Environmental and Material Processing Applications In material processing, voltage and spatial configuration are modulated for uniform coating or etching, measured by: Surface Uniformity Measure = 1 L (cid:90) L 0 |S(x, t) Savg| dx 6 Simulation and Experimental Validation Discusses the need for simulations to predict streamer behavior and experimental validation through adjustments in V (t) and d(x).
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7 Conclusion Summarizes the theoretical advancements and potential impacts on medical and industrial applications. 2 (4) (5)
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