Created at 11am, Jan 24
Industrial Revoluton
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all information about industrial revolution

(competition, industrial espionage, protectionism, state support for industry) Germany (Zollverein in 1819, Krupp steelworks) France (silk industry) The US (Taylorism, Fordism, and mass production in automobiles in the early 20th century) Implications for capitalist development Food and population increases The rise of finance (new banking houses such as Hope and Baring, Rothschilds as well as those established by various Swiss bankers) Monopoly capitalism The new imperialism Economic and political dependency Implications for capitalist development Main contending social classes Bourgeoisie Enterprising wealthy businesspeople Middle classes Labour Movement 1825 Combination Acts in Britain and the establishment of unions The First International (1864) The Second International (1889-1914) Discussion Questions Did the Industrial Revolution trigger capitalism or vice versa?
id: 19077b632ac110f1e5763a507dfe1f74 - page: 6
Was Industrial Revolution in Britain primarily about technological change? Did the workers of the early Industrial Revolution in Britain have the option to not to work? Why? How did Industrial Revolution transform artisan-based production relations in manufacturing? What were the reactions against this transformation in Britain? Where would you situate the professional middle classes such as factory managers, engineers or teachers in relation to the capitalists and the workers of the early industrialization? Discuss the role of the state in industrialization in general as well as in specific countries such as Britain, France, Russia and Japan in particular.
id: ff400c649ef9be0577edb96a6717db47 - page: 9
Discuss the role of the factory system in the process of urbanization. Why did the compulsory education for children acquire prevalence in Europe starting from the 18th century? Identify the main technological achievements that led to the first and second Industrial Revolutions. How did the second Industrial Revolution redefine power relations among Western powers?
id: f2737e88efeea53acffb7870e5794a05 - page: 9
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