Created at 5pm, Mar 27
Ottoman Baroque Architecture: Turkish Baroque (Chapter 17)
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Alev ERARSLANAssoc. Prof. Dr.; Istanbul Aydın University, Department of Architecture and Design

Fig 10: skdar Selimiye Mosque (Author) 298 Although the architect is not known, the building was constructed in the time of the Chief Architect Ahmed Nureddin Efendi. The integration of the congregational space with the sultans private space (mahfil) and the formation of a wing being connected to a two-story kiosk-like structure from the outside is an innovation unique to Istanbul mosques (Batur 1994, 514). This arrangement addressed the new protocol formations that westernization brought with it (Batr 1985, 1061). As a product of the inspiration of the ceremonial protocol of European monarchies and the overflowing entourage of royalty, the Friday Selamlk was assigned new functions in this period (Batur 1985, 1061). Afife Batur explains this change as a means of secularizing the image of the mosque by adding new meanings to the messages related (Batur 1985, 1062).
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Changing the worshiping area pushed the soundest boundaries of tradition, making this concept of design a prominently effective element in planning the sultans protocol. One of the earliest examples of this application were the new measurements of the structural masses, whose asymmetrical formations were examples of innovation. The building is also well-known for its S-profiled buttresses that leave a mark on the outer plastic of the structure (Fig. 11). Other Baroque features of the building are the suspended arches with their inner molded profiles, the high drum of the dome with its molded convex-concave surfaces, the outward-projecting supporting buttresses sitting on a molded base, the curving floor cornices solidly covered with molding and the courbes-contre-courbes (curves and counter-curves) designs. Other Baroque novelties in this building that are not seen in other structures are the decorative weight towers with pilasters with molded capitals and the small windows with their
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11). The main entrance to the mosque is of Baroque-Rococo style and is decorated with stylized acanthus leaves. The arches of the congregational space are of mnhani style composed of S and C-shaped curves. The column capitals are of the Ionic design that is a recognized feature of this period. The facades of the sultans pavilion and the sultans private prayer space is adorned with pilasters with molded capitals. The interior of the structure is decorated with Baroque elements. In particular, the womens area situated above the interior congregational area to the north boasts of molded, curvilinear and floor cornices with oval cartouches that are strong characteristics of the Baroque flavor (Fig. 11). In the east-west orientation of the building, there are onestory exterior areas that have riwak arches in the mnhani style. Other innovations in the structure are the horizontal separation of the surfaces of 299
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Between the pilasters are arched windows in the mnhani style.
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