Created at 5pm, Feb 4
The Bitcoin Blueprint: Five Rules to Profit in Cryptocurrency
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This book is short and straight forward. I only included what really matters (in myopinion) to becoming profitable in crypto. The rules outlined in this book aim to helpone navigate the world of cryptocurrency. My goal is to shed light on cryptocurrencyand Bitcoin, and I believe the root of all skepticism is the lack of accurate knowledge.An abundance of information on the internet tends to cause more confusion especiallyfor beginners, in my opinion. So, I did my best to break down the information so itcould be more easily digested (even though some parts may be confusing. Irecommend going back to it later.)Lastly, you learn most by DOING. If the strategies outlined in this book work for you,great! But if they don't, learn why, and move on. I rarely do leverage trading(shorting/longing the market). I don’t recommend it.So, now… let's dive right in.

Security! Securing your cryptocurrency investments is vital. Start making it a habit to learn about the different types of wallets and storage options available and choose what suits your needs. Cold storage such as hardware wallets is considered the most secure as it keeps your private keys offline and away from potential hackers and exchanges that hold on to your crypto. Do your research on cold wallets. If youre in the United States, see if a subpoena would lead that cold wallet company giving over your keys to the U.S. government. Also, use an iPhone over an android. An iPhone is sandboxed; meaning that apps are isolated and can only access certain resources and files, protecting the phone and user's data from potential security threats. Also, designate a phone/laptop for crypto. Security should never be taken lightly, and its good to have multiple layers of
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To protect your Bitcoin and cryptocurrency from hackers and scammers, follow these security practices: NEVER GIVE YOUR 12 WORD SEED PHRASE TO ANYONE, ANYONE ANY COMPANY, ANY CUSTOMER SERVICE keep it hidden. DO NOT KEEP ANY PASSPHRASE PICTURES ON YOUR PHONE to prevent bad actors from using malicious bots to steal it over wi-fi, thus accessing your crypto. CALL CELL CARRIER AND REQUEST ACCOUNT TAKEOVER PROTECTION Disable Wi-Fi on your phone before doing anything crypto-related (withdrawals, deposits, swaps, buying, selling, etc.) to prevent man-in-the-
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Dont use a jailbroken phone. Set up a SIM card PIN on your phone to prevent SIM card hacks. Use 2-factor authentication (2FA), such as Google Authenticator. DONT LET ANYONE ONLINE KNOW HOW MUCH CRYPTO YOU HAVE! This applies in real life too. Would you tell everyone that you have tons of money? Its a stupid idea. Use security apps like Avast. Dont download suspect apps or apps outside the apple store. GET YOUR CRYPTO OFF EXCHANGES AND ONTO DIGITAL CUSTODIAL WALLETS and cold storage (drastic measure, but if sh*t hits the fan, your crypto will be at the mercy of the exchanges.) Configure the security settings of all digital custodial wallets on your phone/laptop (Coinbase Wallet, Atomic Wallet, Trust Wallet, etc.) Use passcode/touch ID, transaction signing, app auto-lock *immediate* to make it
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Dont buy cold wallets from sites outside of the mother site, dont buy from eBay! Bad actors will steal your crypto later (they have the keys) Keep your tech software and hardware wallets updated to the latest version. DOUBLE-CHECK RECEIVING ADDRESSES AND MEMOS BEFORE SENDING ANY CRYPTO. ALSO, WHEN CONNECTING YOUR WALLETS ONLINE, YOU NEED TO MAKE SURE THAT THE WEB ADDRESS IS THE CORRECT ONE! Many scammers create duplicate websites based off peoples typing mistakes! Connect your wallet to that site and your crypto will be gone.
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "aS-S4XawG4RD01ocYxm6MEnXWRN-00WX-tNN_xOJIAM", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "aS-S4XawG4RD01ocYxm6MEnXWRN-00WX-tNN_xOJIAM", "level": 2}'