Created at 7pm, Aug 11
Inter Milan
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Inter Milan

Sponsorship agreements During the fiscal year ended on June 30, 2023, the Group benefited from income from various sponsorship contracts, signed in previous fiscal years with Nike ("Technical Sponsor of the jersey), Lenovo (Official Sponsor Back" of the jersey, ended and not renewed at June 30, 2023), Volvo, Locauto, Esprinet, LD Sports, Pepsico, F.lli Beretta, La Molisana, Pirelli, Socios; Boe Technology Corporation, Lifebrain, Mastercard, Moncler, Simfed, A2A Energia and ISG. Moreover, during the 2022/2023 sport season new partnerships have been launched with Konami, Adesso, Hisense Leo Vegas, Atta I, Recrowd, Snaitech, Heinz, Telepass, Frecciarossa, Ria Italia, Technogym and eBay (which, from January 2023, has also become a jersey "sleeve sponsor"). With reference to the sponsorship agreement signed with Zytara Labs Digitalbits, please refer to what is better commented in the paragraph "Other information Use of estimates".
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On June 2, 2023, as a consequence of having exercised the exception of non-performance against Zytara Labs, previously commented, but above all of the participation of the Parent Company's First Team in the 2023 U.C.L. Final played in Istanbul on June 10, 2023, the Group signed a new "Official Front Jersey Sponsor" contract with Wavemaker Paramount+ until the end of the 2022/2023 season for a total consideration of Euro 1.5 million entirely collected by June 30, 2023. In July 2023, the same agreement was also extended for the 2023/2024 season, for a total consideration of Euro 11 million, in addition to variable consideration, linked to the achievement of the sport performance of the Parent Company's First Team.
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Lastly, with reference to the receivables accrued by virtue of the sponsorship agreement signed with the Chinese company Beijing Imedia Advertising Co., Ltd. (better known as 'iMedia'), please referto what was previously stated in the paragraph Other Information Use of estimates. 12 Analysis of the Balance Sheet line items ASSETS Fixed assets Intangible assets As of June 30, 2023 and June 30, 2022 intangible assets amounted respectively to Euro 412,999 thousand and to Euro 546,796 thousand. The fiscal year amortisation amounted overall to Euro 112,114 thousand (Euro 124,531 thousand as of June 30, 2022). Write-downs were made during the fiscal year in the amount of Euro 7,725 thousand (Euro 16,556 thousand as of June 30, 2022). Euro thousand Balance as of June 30, 2022 Increase Decrease Reclassifications Balance as of June 30, 2023 Balance Accumulated Amortisation as of June 30. 2022 Impairment Decrease Amortisation Balance Accumulated Amortisation as of June 30, 2023
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Ind Patents and similar intellectual rights 478 13 401 (386) (21) (407) Concessions, licenses and trademarks 408 556 875 25 407 450 (131.197) (14 003) (146.100) Construction in progress 26 501 105 (26.2631 (25) 378 e (1) Player registration rights 506.604 22 339 (30.237) 588.706 (372.056) (7.724) 18 840 (80.025) (450.856) Other intangible assets 104.255 301 104.556 (83.050) (7.265) (01.224) | Total 1.134394 23.503 (56.500) 1.101.587 (567.588) (7.725) 18.849 (112.114) (888.588) The net residual value of the line item Industrial patents and similar intellectual property rights", amounting to Euro 84 thousand as of June 30, 2023, mainly refers to rights to the images (photos and video) of the Intercampus projects throughout the world.
id: b1da93d3a57d81367845685667c32927 - page: 29
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