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Idiot's Guides Kama Sutra
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If you’re looking to add more sizzle to your sex life, Idiot’s Guides: Kama Sutra is the book you’ve beenwaiting for. Within these pages, you will learn the basics of this ancient love manual and the way toincorporate its sensual lessons into the modern art of love, romance, intimacy, and sex.This book offers a variety of valuable insights into how you can enhance the quality of your love life,starting with the love you have for yourself. By learning to love and accept yourself mentally, physically,and sexually, you will become a more mindful lover. Not only will you know how to reach your own sexualpeak, you will also create a stronger, more intimate connection with your partner as you help each otherachieve your sensual greatness.Beyond being just a collection of erotic sexual positions, Idiot’s Guides: Kama Sutra takes an insightfullook at the various pieces of the sexual puzzle. It’s one thing to know how to turn on your lover’s body, butwhen you discover how to turn on your partner’s mind, that’s when your relationship goes from average tosupercharged. Creating deep intimacy outside of the bedroom helps guarantee that the experience betweenthe sheets is as intense as possible.I’ve used this ancient text as a launching point and incorporated modern knowledge with the latest toolsand techniques that people now have regarding sexual experiences. These include the following:r The way the brain processes attractionr The differences between male and female desirer How the senses can enhance pleasurer Exercises and techniques that create stronger orgasms for both men and womenr The shift that is taking place as women become more sexually empoweredDetailed and instructive, with just the right amount of juicy humor, I’m sure you will have an eye-openingexperience as you move through this book. Welcome to your sexual awakening. Welcome to a sexier you.Welcome to Idiot’s Guides: Kama Sutra.How to Use This BookThis book is put together in such a way that you can open to any page and find useful information. It is notnecessary to read from beginning to end, but it is intended to inspire you to find a chapter on your favoritetopics. The following are the seven parts and what they’re dedicated to:Part 1, Warm Up with a Little Background, introduces you to the fascinating history of the Kama Sutra.Here, you learn how the Kama Sutra is much more than simply an ancient sex manual and are introducedto the truth behind the famous (but often misunderstood) 64 Arts. Additionally, this part includes a glossaryof the various terms and definitions you will come across throughout the book.viii Idiot's Guides: Kama SutraPart 2, Turn On the Tools at Play, begins the sensual exploration of elements to enhance sexual pleasure.Understanding the differences in the ways most men and women approach sex mentally and physicallycan go a long way to ensuring intense mutual satisfaction. Additionally, you discover how to create a fullsensory experience by incorporating the gifts of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch into your lovemaking.Expanding your horizons even further, you are also introduced to the power of incorporating Tantra andchakras to heighten your sexual pleasure.Part 3, Spice Up Your Sex Life, shows you how to add more “play” to your foreplay. The various KamaSutra techniques for touching, scratching, biting, patting, and giving oral sex are outlined. You also learna multitude of new ways to increase sexual excitement by exploring boundaries and taboos with sex toys,anal play, and role-playing.Part 4, Take Your Position, is where you can find many varied Kama Sutra positions. Each one has a briefintroductory description, as well as detailed instructions for how to perform them. The positions havedifficulty ratings from 1 to 5 lotus flowers, with 5 being the most difficult. The movement descriptions,such as mild to wild or slow and intense, indicate whether the position is about an intimate connection ora more carnal experience. The “spicing up” portions let you heighten the intensity of action by giving youadditional options for taking it to an even more exciting level of erotic pleasure. Finally, the hotness for herand hotness for him outline what women and men find most exciting about the position.Part 5, Afterplay, shows you how reaching climax doesn’t have to mean reaching the end of the sexualexperience. You learn how to maintain intimacy through the recovery period so that you might relight thesexual fires for another round of fireworks with your partner.Part 6, The Life Fire, takes the Kama Sutra out of the bedroom and into your daily life. Here, you seehow to utilize the same tools you use to enhance your sexual experience to create even fuller and morepassionate relationships.Part 7, For Further Pleasure, offers up an excellent collection of resources for further sexual exploration.

As with any sexual explorations, especially ones that test boundaries, communication is of the utmost importance. Kind words, soft touches, and genuine respect are a necessary component in reaching higher erotic peaks. These love pats ride the fine line between being a turnon and a turn-off, so be sure your partner is enjoying the ride as much as you are. The point of any sexual pat is always to enhance pleasure through safe, sane, and consensual communication so things do not get out of hand. Therefore, the person receiving the pat should control the placement, rhythm, and intensity with verbal cues that clearly state what is desired and acceptable. 102 Part 3: Spice Up Your Sex Life
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Take a Breather For obvious reasons, its a very delicate matter to discuss any sort of striking as a means of pleasure. Violence is never excusable, and my intention here is not to indicate otherwise. I am simply exploring topics discussed in the Kama Sutra and the various ways you can use light spanking and patting to enhance sexual pleasure. As with any sexual exploration, the boundaries of both partners must be fully respected without question. The following are some types of passion pats from the Kama Sutra you and your partner can use.
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Apahasta Apahasta is the act of using the back of your hand to pat your partner first softly and then slowly, increasing pressure as pleasure intensifies. To try this, have your partner lie back on the bed, legs open wide enough that you can kneel between them. Starting at your partners feet, use the back of your hands to gently tap a path up the legs toward the groin. Be sure to watch and listen for signs of pleasure in different areas of the legs. As you tap upward, you will send tingling sensations through your partners genitals. Prasritaka Prasritaka is a special type of tap where your fingers are curled into the shape of a ducks bill and then pecked against your partners flesh. As your partner lies face down, straddle the buttocks and use this tapping technique against the back, pecking the shoulders, upper back, and along the spine to the tailbone. Ask your partner how it feels and adjust your intensity and placement accordingly.
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Samatala Samatala is the Kama Sutra term for spanking and uses the open hand to elicit the sharp sound of palm to skin, which many people find extremely erotic. In many of the positions where you are facing away, the primal lust may be heightened even further with a light spank on your partners buttocks. This is one of the safest places to begin, because this fleshy area is less sensitive. For a woman, the subtle sting of a spank on her behind can send tingling sensations toward her yoni, increasing her pleasure. She can also use similar techniques against his backside while performing oral sex by having him straddle her breasts, allowing her to reach between his legs and reach his buttocks. The surprise of a spank can be titillating and inspire a sweet moan of excitement as you and your partner grind together. Passion Pats 103
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