Created at 11pm, Jan 6
Homeworkers Contract Vs. Employment Contract
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In the modern days, business world contracts are a key part of protecting the rights of both the employees and employers. It would specify the expectations both parties have from each other such as working hours, working place, amount and time of off days, salary and many more specifications. Also another benefit of having a contract would be to prevent some unexpected problems that may appear in the future and help to build up a better trusting relationship between the employee and the employer. Basically it provides a legal foundation in a problem that may occur and create a balanced relationship between the employer and the employee.

WORKING HOURS BODY Another significant feature that separates the two types of contracts are working hours. Employment 1 unequivocal, leaving no doubt; unambiguous contracts most likely include certain working hours often stated as 09:00-17:00. The employees must be present at the office during those specified intervals and completing the responsibilities that they have been assigned to do. (ARTICLE 395, 463; Turkish Code of Obligations) Being at the office regularly for the same hours all the time could seem to be monotonous and dull, but it
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Just like an employment contract, a homeworkers contract also has specified working hours but after both parties come to an agreement, it could have much more elastic working intervals depending on the employees requests and the employers requirements. Even though these contracts have different features, there is a common thing for the two contracts which is overtime working. The employer is obligated to pay the employee at least fifty percent more than their initial salary for the hours they have worked overtime. (ARTICLE 402, 466; Turkish Code of Obligations)
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For example, the employee might request to work at midnight due to working in another country thats far away which has a huge time difference. In this case, laws of the countries may have conflicts so the employers would have to have a separate contract for international employees called international employment contracts. Employers who think that their employees are breaching these work hours would have a legal basis to do what is necessary which may be a penalization or a punishment of some kind. In case that the contract is being obviously breached, it could lead to the employee being fired or even a case against the employee. (ARTICLE 395; Turkish Code of Obligations) In delineating the differences between Employment Contracts and Homeworkers Contracts, another important divergence is the use and allocation of resources and equipment. For an employment contract, most often the equipment is stable at the office such as some exceptional
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When this is compared to a homeworkers contract, the employer is obligated to provide (ARTICLE 462, 413; Turkish Code of Obligations) the equipment needed for the employee to victoriously accomplish assigned responsibility. After being granted the required equipment, it is mandatory for the employee to be cautious when using the products. (ARTICLE 464; Turkish Code of Obligations) If the employer is in a situation where they need to use their own materials for the job, the employer is obliged to pay an appropriate amount of fee for not providing the materials that they were supposed to. (ARTICLE 413; Turkish Code of Obligations) Also if the materials require maintenance, the employer is forced to either pay the employer for the maintenance or get it done in some other way. (ARTICLE 415; Turkish Code of Obligations) If the worker determines that the equipment or resources that are delivered to him are damaged w
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How to Retrieve?
# Search

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "bG22SnfYNQ1RKY3CDurbvghnG2J8jvRyCPjqNEfhod0", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "bG22SnfYNQ1RKY3CDurbvghnG2J8jvRyCPjqNEfhod0", "level": 2}'