Created at 10am, Jun 13
ProactiveHealth & Lifestyle
Thriving in Radiance: A Pathway to Self-Transformation
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Thriving in Radiance: A Pathway to Self-Transformation

If you dont allow your feelings to flow, your channel will be blocked. If youve stored up a lot of emotions, you have a lot of blocked energy or erupting emotions inside of you which dont allow you to hear the more subtle voice of your intuition. Often people need help in experiencing and releasing old emotional blocks and learning to live in a more feeling way. If you believe you need some help with this, find a good counselor, therapist, or support group. In seeking a therapist, ask people you know for referrals and dont hesitate to interview several until you find one that you like. Try to find one who seems to be in touch with his or her own feelings, relates to you in a real and honest way, and supports you in experiencing and expressing your own feelings, and in trusting yourself. Whether you seek professional help or not, make a practice of asking yourself frequently throughout the day how you are feeling. Try to learn to distinguish between what you are thinki
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As much as possible, accept and enjoy your feelings, and you will find that they open the door to a rich, full, and passionate life. E x e r c i s e When you wake up in the morning, close your eyes and put your attention in the middle of your body your heart, your LIL Quark-Part Two 1/22/01 8:52 AM Page 137 Fe e l i n g s 1 3 7 solar plexus, and your abdomen. Ask yourself how you are feeling emotionally right now. Try to distinguish your feelings from the thoughts you are having in your head. Are you feeling peaceful, excited, anxious, sad, angry, joyful, frustrated, guilty, loving, lonely, fulfilled, serious, playful? If there seems to be an anxious or upset feeling inside of you, go into that feeling and give it a voice. Ask it to talk to you and tell you what its feeling. Make an effort to hear it and listen to its point of view. Be sympathetic, loving, and supportive toward your feelings. Ask what you can do to t
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Repeat this exercise before you go to sleep at night, and at any other time during the day that feels appropriate. LIL Quark-Part Two 1/22/01 8:52 AM Page 138 T h i r t e e n B a l a n c i n g B e i n g a n d D o i n g As channels for the universe,we must have available a full range of expression and emotion. If the higher power tells us to leap, we must be able to leap without stopping to ask questions. If it tells us to wait, we must be able to relax and enjoy a space of nonactiv-ity until the next message comes. We will always be pushed by our inner guidance to explore aspects of ourselves that are less developed, to express and experience ourselves in new ways. If we ignore these inner impulses, we will be forced by external life circumstances to explore the opposite polarities from the ones we are most comfortable with. One way or another, our higher self makes sure that we get the message of what we have to do. At times we 1 3 8 LIL Quark-Part T
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You can expect that your intuition will lead you in directions that are new and different for you. If you are comfortable in one type of personality or pattern, you will probably be asked to start expressing the opposite. Its good to know this, especially when youre in the process of learning to hear your inner guidance.
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