Created at 4am, Jan 7
is a revolutionary approach for future technology enhancement: a review
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Internet of Things (IoT) is a new paradigm that has changed the traditional way of living into a high tech life style. Smart city, smart homes, pollution control, energy saving, smart transportation, smart industries are such transformations due to IoT. A lot of crucial research studies and investigations have been done in order to enhance the technology through IoT. However, there are still a lot of challenges and issues that need to be addressed to achieve the full potential of IoT. These challenges and issues must be considered from various aspects of IoT such as applications, challenges, enabling technologies, social and environmental impacts etc. The main goal of this review article is to provide a detailed discussion from both technological and social perspective. The article discusses different challenges and key issues of IoT, architecture and important application domains. Also, the article bring into light the existing literature and illustrated their contribution in different aspects of IoT. Moreover, the importance of big data and its analysis with respect to IoT has been discussed. This article would help the readers and researcher to understand the IoT and its applicability to the real world.

Smart Connectivity: Data management and service provisioning. Use of social media and social networking. Access to email, voice and video services. Interactive group communication. Real time streaming. Interactive gaming. Augmented reality. Network security monitoring. Wearable user interfaces. Affective computing. Biometric authentication methods. Consumer telematics. M2M communication services. Big data analysis. Virtual reality. Cloud computing services. Ubiquitous computing. Computer vision. Smart antennas. Manufacturing: Gas and flow sensors. Smart sensors of humidity, temperature, motion, force, load, leaks/levels. Machine vision. Acoustic and vibration sensing. Compound applications. Smart control of robots. Control and optimization of fabrication processes. Pattern recognition. Machine Learning. Predictive Analytics. Mobile logistics. Warehouse management. Prevent overproduction. Efficient logistics.
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Shopping: Intelligent shopping. RFID and other electronic tags and readers. Barcodes in retail. Inventory control. Control of geographical origin of food and products. Control food quality and safety. 18 4 Enabling technologies Successful application of the IoT concept into the real world is possible thanks to advancements in underlying technologies. In this section the most relevant enabling technologies will be stated with the aim to provide a picture of the role they will likely play in the IoT [6, 7]. 19 4.1 Energy
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Power and energy storage technologies are enablers for the deployment of IoT applications. Energy issues, in all its phases, from harvesting to conservation and usage, are central to the development of the IoT. These technologies have to provide high power-density energy generation and harvesting solutions which, when used with todays low power nanoelectronics, will enable us to design self-powered intelligent sensor-based wireless identifiable device. There is still a need to research and develop solutions in this area (nanoelectronics, semiconductor, sensor technology, micro systems integration) having as an objective ultra low power devices, and more efficient and compact energy storage like batteries, fuel cells, and printed/polymer batteries, as current devices seem inadequate considering the processing power needed and energy limitations of the future. In addition, system integration will increase efficiency of current systems, and will provide a number of solutions for the futur
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· needs.
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