Created at 6am, Jan 8
Effectiveness of nursing intervention in short-term hospitalization for patients suffered from borderline personality disorder and self-harm. A narrative literature review
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Personality disorder sufferers with severe self-harm and experience long psychiatric hospitalizations have complex mental health conditions and are at risk of suicide. When the symptoms of emotional instability are combined with self-harm, the resulting crisis often becomes difficult for patients and caregivers to manage. To improve care during these crises, the Dutch Multidisciplinary Guideline for Personality Disorders designates \'brief admission\' (BA) hospitalizations as an ameliorative intervention. The aim of this paper is to describe the effectiveness of short hospitalization nursing care for people with borderline personality disorder and who practice self-harm, compared to ordinary hospitalization.Antonino CalabrĂ², Federica Ilari, Lorenzo Rizzo, Alessia Lezzi, Simone Zacchino, Pierluigi Lezzi, Giovanni Maria Scupola, Marta Fanton, Roberto Lupo, Elsa Vitale Effectiveness of nursing intervention in short-term hospitalization for patients suffered from borderline personality disorder and self-harm. A narrative literature review NSC NSC Nursing: 2024, Volume 1, Nr.2, pp. 22-45

2024, Volume 1, Nr. 2 pp 22-45 following criteria: possessing a documented clinical history of emotional instability (mainly
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Instead, patients who had a primary diagnosis of psychotic disorder or depressive disorder were excluded. Data were collected through interviews conducted at participants' outpatient units, their duration ranged from 13 to 51 minutes each (mean = 31 minutes), and all interviews were conducted following a common pattern and structured based on a review of previous research. Interviews with participants were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. The units of meaning in the transcripts were then identified and analyzed to reveal current problems and patterns following the steps described by Giorgi. Thematic analysis of the interviews revealed four themes related to patients'
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" Four themes also described key components: "a clear treatment plan," "a smooth admission procedure," "a friendly and welcoming approach from staff," and "daily conversations." Finally, three themes described areas for improvement: "feeling guilty for requesting short hospitalization," "room occupancy problems," and "differences in staff competence." Overall, the results indicate that short hospitalization constructively supports patients with emotional instability and self-harm during a period of crisis. The fifth article is a study conducted through inductive and qualitative interviews, uses hermeneutic phenomenological methodology and is inspired by Ricoeur's theory of interpretation: A Brief
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Breathing Space: Experiences of Brief Admission by Self-Referral for Self-Harming and Suicidal Individuals with a History of Extensive Psychiatric Inpatient Care; published in Issues Ment Health Nurse . The overall goal of the researchers was to detect the main characteristics as well as preexpectations and reflections on potential improvements and adaptations of short hospitalization Effectiveness of nursing intervention in short-term hospitalization for patients suffered from borderline personality disorder and self-harm. A narrative literature review 34 2024, Volume 1, Nr. 2 pp 22-45 through patients' personal experiences during their BA. A total of seven patients participated in the present study. Patients were included if they had met the following two criteria: prior experience of short admission; having been admitted to a hospital ward for psychiatric care for at least one
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