Created at 7pm, Apr 20
CadnDataHealth & Lifestyle
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Plate One1. Backbone.2. Rectum, which carries away the solid waste matter from the bowels.3. Anus, the opening of the rectum.4. Bladder, which holds the waste water or urine.5. Ovary, in which grows the ovum or egg.6. Fallopian tube, which carries the ovum to the uterus.7. Uterus or Womb, in which the egg or ovum grows into a baby.8. Mouth of the Uterus, through which the semen has to go to meet the ovum.9. Vagina or Birth Canal, into which the penis fits during the sex act.10. Entrance to the Vagina.11. Entrance to the Urethra, which carries away the waste water or urine.Male AnatomyPlate Two1. Backbone.2. Rectum, which carries away the solid waste matter from the bowels.3. Anus, the opening of the rectum.4. Bladder, which holds the waste water or urine.5. Penis, which fits into the vagina, during the sex act.6. Prepuce, or fore-skin.7. Scrotum, the bag which holds the testicles.8. Testicles, in which grow the spermatozoa, or germs of life.9. Vas Deferens, which carries the spermatozoa to the urethra.10. Prostate Gland.11. Seminal Vesicle.Both 10 and 11 secrete liquids that make part of the semen, and which nourishthe spermatozoa.12. Urethra, which carries the spermatozoa, also the urine.13. Cowper's Gland, which secretes a liquid which makes the urethra alkaline.14. One of the spermatozoa, or germs of life, much magnified.

Boys have a certain discomfort to bear which is difficult for them just as menstruation is difficult for girls. But by knowing the meaning of things and by taking care of themselves, they need not be seriously troubled by it. Every once in a while as they are growing up, but before they are old enough to really fall in love and marry and have children, boys feel a sort of stirring of the sex organs sometimes so much so that it makes them quite uneasy and anxious for relief. The thing to do is to keep as calm as possible and keep very busy and very healthy. Then the discomfort will not be too great, and nature will usually bring relief by letting the accumulated semen pass off during sleep. This is called a seminal emission, and is perfectly harmless. Sometimes a vivid sexual dream comes with it, but that too will do no harm, unless a boy lets his mind dwell on it till the excitement grows unnatural. This emission may happ
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Boys are sometimes alarmed and fear their sex machinery is out of order, but it is a perfectly natural thing, and only means that the organs are relieving themselves of the extra secretions that are not needed till the time comes for the real sex relation.
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Boys and girls sometimes get the habit of handling their sex organs so as to get them excited. This is called masturbation or self-abuse. It is also called autoerotism. Such handling can be made to result in a climax something like that of the natural sex act. For generations this habit has been considered wrong and dangerous, but recently many of the best scientists have concluded that the chief harm has come from the worry caused by doing it, when one believed it to be wrong. This worry has often been so great that real illness, both of the mind and body has resulted. There is no occasion for worry unless the habit is carried to excess. But remember that until you are mature, the sex secretions are specially needed within your body, and if you use them wastefully before you are grown, you are depriving your body of what it needs. So do not stimulate your sex
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And do not yield to the impulse to handle the sex organs in order to relieve the pressure which may occasionally feel overwhelming, unless you find that nature does not bring you relief during sleep.
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