Created at 1pm, Apr 7
American Law - Part 1
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American law refers to the body of legal principles, statutes, regulations, and precedents that govern the United States of America. It encompasses a wide range of legal topics and areas of practice, including constitutional law, criminal law, civil law, administrative law, and more. Here are some key aspects of American law:Constitutional Law: The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land, establishing the framework of the federal government and enumerating fundamental rights and freedoms. Constitutional law deals with the interpretation and application of the Constitution, including the powers and limitations of government branches and the protection of individual rights.Statutory Law: Statutory law consists of written laws enacted by legislative bodies at the federal, state, and local levels. Congress passes federal statutes, while state legislatures enact state statutes. These laws cover a wide range of issues, from criminal offenses to taxation to regulations governing various industries.Case Law: Case law, also known as common law or precedent, refers to the body of legal principles derived from judicial decisions in individual cases. Courts interpret statutes and apply legal principles to specific factual scenarios, establishing precedents that guide future decisions in similar cases.Criminal Law: Criminal law encompasses statutes and regulations that define criminal offenses and prescribe penalties for violations. It includes crimes such as murder, theft, assault, and drug trafficking, as well as procedures for investigation, prosecution, and punishment of offenders.Civil Law: Civil law governs disputes between individuals, organizations, or entities that do not involve criminal charges. It includes areas such as contracts, torts (personal injury), property, family law, and business disputes. Civil litigation typically involves one party seeking compensation or relief from another through legal action.Administrative Law: Administrative law deals with the rules, regulations, and procedures established by administrative agencies at the federal, state, and local levels. These agencies are empowered to enforce and implement statutes within their respective jurisdictions, covering areas such as environmental protection, immigration, healthcare, and labor.International Law: International law encompasses legal principles and agreements governing relations between nations, as well as the rights and obligations of states in the international community. Treaties, conventions, and customary international law are sources of international legal norms that may impact domestic law in the United States.Legal Profession: The legal profession in the United States includes attorneys, judges, paralegals, and legal scholars who interpret, apply, and uphold the law. Lawyers represent clients in legal matters, provide legal advice, and advocate for their interests in courts of law.

In any event, its list of the ten most wanted and the like, and the exploits of the G-men, became part of Americas folklore during the 1920s and 1930s. This was the period of Prohibition, the heyday of Scarface Al Capone; of gangster movies with Jimmy Cagney and Edward G. Robinson, a period when Americans were at once fascinated and
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12 Hoover was also, alas, a master of intrigue. During the McCarthy era, Hoover made the FBI almost synonymous with red-baiting and right-wing paranoia; during the cold-war era of the 1950s, Hoover was a powerful, untouchable figure, almost a law unto himself. Even presidents, it was said, were frightened of Hoovers files; the FBI infiltrated left-wing and civil rights organizations; it harassed Martin Luther King, Jr. Hoover was obsessed with communism, and the dangers to the polity from wild-eyed radicals, or those he defined as such. But as long as he lived, no one in high office dared challenge his regime. The Criminal Trial Most of the work of the legal system is dull, obscure, maddeningly technicaland, to be honest, boring for everybody but committed lawyers. The criminal trial is an exception. Trials are part of the national folklore. It would
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Everybody has a kind of gut familiarity with the general rhythm of the criminal trial and its central images: the judge on his bench, with the American flag behind it; the lawyers battling each other, like knights jousting on horseback; the cross-examination of witnesses, and the cries of objection! from lawyers who bounce up and down to put in their protests; the twelve jurors sitting in their box, listening, nodding their heads; the tense wait for the verdict; the brief, gnomic announcement from the foreman of the jury; the reaction of the defendant, and the spectators, and so on. Millions of people have served on juries (millions more have wriggled out of the duty); and trial by jury is enshrined as a kind of sacred right in the state and federal constitutions.13
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In the real world of criminal justice, trial by jury is the exception, not the rule. To begin with, most petty crimes do not go to a jury. At the base of the criminal justice system, in every state, are minor criminal courts. They go under various names: police courts, municipal courts, justice of the peace courts. Here thousands of cases get processed, the plankton of the criminal justice system: cases of drunkenness, petty theft, vagrancy. As one judge, William N. Gemmill of the Municipal Court of Chicago put it in 1914, the defendants in these courts constitute an army of defeat, shiftless derelicts, driftwood cast upon a turbulent sea.14 Indeed, the typical defendant in police court has been someone poor and desperate, someone on the margins of society, helpless and lawyerless. Many of them have been homeless peopletramps or hobosor alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes. Due process is on a vacation in these petty courts. Justice, like mans life as Hobbes described it in a state of
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