Created at 8am, Jan 2
"Atomic Habits" Book by James Clear
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'Atomic Habits' by James Clear is a self-help book that delves into the process of habit formation and offers practical strategies for building good habits and breaking destructive ones. The book emphasizes the concept of 'atomic habits,' which are small, easy-to-do routines that, when compounded over time, lead to significant and lasting changes.

We rarely think about change this way because everyone is consumed by the end goal. But one push-up is better than not exercising. One minute of guitar practice is better than none at all. One minute of reading is better than never picking up a book. Its better to do less than you hoped than to do nothing at all. At some point, once youve established the habit and youre showing up each day, you can combine the Two-Minute Rule with a technique we call habit shaping to scale your habit back up toward your ultimate goal. Start by mastering the first two minutes of the smallest version of the behavior. Then, advance to an intermediate step and repeat the processfocusing on just the first two minutes and mastering that stage before moving on to the next level. Eventually, youll end up with the habit you had originally hoped to build while still keeping your focus where it should be: on the first two minut
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EXAMPLES OF HABIT SHAPING Becoming an Early Riser Phase 1: Be home by 10 p.m. every night. Phase 2: Have all devices (TV, phone, etc.) turned off by 10 p.m. every night. Phase 3: Be in bed by 10 p.m. every night (reading a book, talking with your partner). Phase 4: Lights off by 10 p.m. every night. Phase 5: Wake up at 6 a.m. every day. Becoming Vegan Phase 1: Start eating vegetables at each meal. Phase 2: Stop eating animals with four legs (cow, pig, lamb, etc.). Phase 3: Stop eating animals with two legs (chicken, turkey, etc.). Phase 4: Stop eating animals with no legs (fish, clams, scallops, etc.). Phase 5: Stop eating all animal products (eggs, milk, cheese). Starting to Exercise Phase 1: Change into workout clothes. Phase 2: Step out the door (try taking a walk). Phase 3: Drive to the gym, exercise for five minutes, and leave. Phase 4: Exercise for fifteen minutes at least once per week.
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Phase 5: Exercise three times per week. Nearly any larger life goal can be transformed into a two-minute behavior. I want to live a healthy and long life > I need to stay in shape > I need to exercise > I need to change into my workout clothes. I want to have a happy marriage > I need to be a good partner > I should do something each day to make my partners life easier > I should meal plan for next week. Whenever you are struggling to stick with a habit, you can employ the TwoMinute Rule. Its a simple way to make your habits easy.
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