Created at 4pm, Jan 25
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Kathay: A Cruise in the China Seas by W. Hastings Macaulay
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Kathay: A Cruise in the China Seasby W. Hastings Macaulay

If Faust was supposed to have been assisted by the Evil One, what would his persecutors have said, had they been shown a picture like this? What would they have said? Why, that even Satan himself possessed not such power, and denied that to the devil, which is now accomplished by a poor devil of a printer! And yet how often do we throw aside the tee
id: 2ef807e206613c776701a0177a61c4ca - page: 43
Let the grumbler be stationed in these Chinese waters for two years and upwards, and when he has been deprived a greater part of that time of the "Sun," that awaited his pleasure to shine, the "Herald," ushering in the morn at his bidding, the "Times," that never grew old, and the "News," expressly awaiting his perusal,let him, I say, after perusing papers that have reached him in March, '51, bearing the date of the past Christmas, pick up a paper out here, even if it be a colonial one, upon the day of its publication, and he will sing, Io Triumphe, as I did.
id: 6d3ce5e2df06d95dd575b7f7305bf8dd - page: 43
There are two newspapers printed in Victoria (Hong-Kong), and both of these, I believe, are bi-weekly. One is called the "Friend of China, and Hong-Kong Gazette;" the other, "The China Mail." The latter is the government organ, and has the colonial printing. The former is independent, and slashes away right and left, sparing neither friend nor foe, and its columns are always open to complaining correspondents. Sir Geo. Bonham, the Governor, often got severely handled; and either because the government laid itself open to attack, or the editor had some cause for pique, it appeared to be continually "pitching into" it. Its articles were bold and forcibly expressed, and from their tenor would suppose it exposed itself to prosecution for libel, but understood it had steered clear of the Courts that far. Its editor shows a great deal of industry and perseverance in its management. His Marine List is full and complete. Not only does he give the arrivals and departures of shipping at Hong-Kon
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, &c. His is the ungracious task to reform abuses; perhaps, like Hamlet, he thinks "the times are out of joint," and he "was born to set them right." Or it may be that he is influenced by the same motive as the Irishman, who, upon the eve of a presidential election in the United States, was asked to cast his vote for the party which aspired to place their candidate upon the chair, after ousting the incumbent. Pat's first inquiry was, if it was aginst the government they wanted him to vote; and being told it was, assented, upon the principle that he always went against the government.
id: 68ec78b92da7f9c9bf3dd2844d61be92 - page: 43
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