Created at 3pm, Mar 24
t2ruvaArtificial Intelligence
ChatGPT: Vision and Challenges
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Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have changed the nature of scientific inquiry in recent years. Of these, the development ofvirtual assistants has accelerated greatly in the past few years, with ChatGPT becoming a prominent AI language model. In this study, we examine thefoundations, vision, research challenges of ChatGPT. This article investigates into the background and development of the technology behind it, aswell as its popular applications. Moreover, we discuss the advantages of bringing everything together through ChatGPT and Internet of Things (IoT).Further, we speculate on the future of ChatGPT by considering various possibilities for study and development, such as energy-efficiency,cybersecurity, enhancing its applicability to additional technologies (Robotics and Computer Vision), strengthening human-AI communications, andbridging the technological gap. Finally, we discuss the important ethics and current trends of ChatGPT.Keywords: ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Chatbot, GPT, Generative AI

4.10 Academic Research The capacity to handle and analyse huge amounts of data is crucial to research in science [32, 34]. ChatGPT has proven essential in revolutionising the way scientists collaborate and make sense of data. Uses of ChatGPT in handling and analysing this section. Examples of such data are discussed applications include (i) using NLP for obtaining data from scientific publications, (ii) synthesising and summarising massive amounts of information, (iii) automatically identifying emerging trends and patterns in statistics, and (iv) automated modelling and prediction. Science cannot progress without the capacity for processing and analysing massive amounts of data. ChatGPT has proven to have a substantial effect on boosting in
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interactions with and interpretations of data, hence increasing productivity and revealing previously unknown discoveries. This section delves into ChatGPT's potential gamechanging uses in the data processing and interpretation for data analysis is mostly used industry. ChatGPT applications, such as gathering data from scientific research papers . ChatGPT quickly identifies and extracts crucial data points, results, and implications from dissertations using natural language processing algorithms. This capacity allows scientists to efficiently obtain and synthesise data from many sources, speeding up the study process and decreasing the need for assessments. ChatGPT's ability to synthesise knowledge from several data sources and provide concise overviews is another way it aids academics in making sense of complicated datasets . ChatGPT helps researchers get an in-depth comprehension of their findings by highlighting recurring themes, trends, and interrelationships
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11 Coaching and Tutoring
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ChatGPT has an opportunity to transform the way that students them with acquire scientific knowledge by providing individualised instruction. ChatGPT can better help its users grasp and remember concepts by taking into account their unique learning preferences, advantages, and shortcomings . This individualised method of instruction has the potential to eliminate knowledge gaps and provide learners the tools they need to become successful in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields . ChatGPT's impact is not limited to the academic world; it has also helped in popularising science and enhancing classroom instruction. The ability of ChatGPT to revolutionise science learning has been explored, along with the numerous ways it has been used to spread scientific literacy. The potential of ChatGPT's uses in public awareness and education about science to increase the public's scientific knowledge, engagement, and interest is enormous.
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