Created at 8am, Apr 21
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This landmark book on human sexuality makes the sacred lovemaking techniques of the East fully comprehensible to Western readers. Elegantly illustrated, it helps the reader acquire new attitudes and broaden his or her range of experience, to revitalize and strengthen relationships.This book opens the way to a new stage of fulfillment and bliss, making the sacred lovemaking techniques of the east available to western readers and extending sensual experience for everyone.\'The most comprehensive and clearly written work on contemporary Tantric sex. An exceptional detailed program for both the beginner and the advanced practitioner.\'—Herbert A. Otto, author of “Total Sex”.

I awaited his approach with trembling, vibrant expectation. It was up to him to make the first move, I thought, but nothing was happening. My sexual desire was so intense that I found myself too embarrassed to initiate a move. It was a familiar pattern: the stronger my desire for him, the more incapable I felt of expressing it. I tossed, turned, stretched, and with a timid hand started stroking his chest. I nestled my head against his shoulder and kissed his ear. But he lay there, limp, unresponsive. After a while I confessed, You know, I have to admit that I am very turned on. I am dying to make love. From his side came a sleepy response, Yes, I understand, but I cant muster the energy, and Im tired, so lets sleep. Well do it some other time.
id: b4dba62d046b433d8b9dab2ce6cc9327 - page: 244
I could not believe what I had just heard. Could he possibly let me down at a moment like this? I lay there, abandoned, turned on, and distraught. What was I going to do with all this energy? Where was I going to go? How was I going to manage this situation? I did not dare to pleasure myself, which should have been the natural conclusion to this situation. I felt intimidated by his presence. Lying there, however, I began to reflect on all the times in my life when I had not taken action to fulfill my sexual needs. I felt a mounting frustration until I could stand it no longer. This time I had do something.
id: 9b1e4835e8e6ce8bc977db92a03de075 - page: 244
So very discreetly, I crawled out of bed and tiptoed into the living room with the firm intention of taking responsibility for my own plea sure. Of course, I had masturbated many times before in my life, but this was different. I wanted to find a way I could use self-pleasuring to heal my sexual wounds. As I started stroking my body and approaching my genitals, I heard myself think, What if Alan walks in? You cant really let yourself go like this. Youll wake him up. . . . and so on. But instead of allowing this to stop me, I breathed deeply and used the waves of pleasure as a force to carry me beyond these guilty feelings. It seemed 195 It can be as important and necessary for a woman to enjoy sex as it is for her to enjoy her work, children, environment, food, or recreational activities. Its just another potentially satisfying aspect of life.
id: dad30c471fa6625d56c5982e0e53a586 - page: 244
Lonnie G. Barbach For Yourself In the erotic art, truth is drawn from pleasure itself understood as a practice and accumulated as ex perience; pleasure is not consid ered in relation to an absolute law of the permitted and the for bidden, nor by reference to a cri terion of utility, but first and foremost in relation to itself it is experienced as pleasure, evaluated in terms of its intensity, its spe cific quality, its duration, its re verberations in the body and the soul. Michel Foucault The History of Sexuality, Volume I
id: 9191c7899a95d560a538921d39fe8a0d - page: 244
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