Created at 1pm, Dec 29
Why Business Adoption of Quantum and AI Technology Must Be Ethical
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AI ethics has already been explored to a degree, including perspectives highlighting the challenges of effectively implementing AI ethics. Quantum technology ethics, on the other hand, are only starting to come into focus now. There is a lack of analysis that combines philosophical arguments and rigor with business considerations. The present work addresses this gap.

P1: Moral beliefs in society shape tomorrows regula>on. P2: Ethics is the branch of philosophy which deals with ques>ons of human morality. P3: Items of regulatory importance are of prac>cal importance to businesspersons. Thus: Ethics is important to businesspersons. Premises 1 and 2 are straighuorward. Premise 3 can be ra>onalized once one recalls that regula>on decides on what denes a market-compliant product which businesses aim to sell. In this way, engaging with ethics increases revenue or at least prevents revenue loss.33 33 The Business Risks of Poor AI Ethics and Governance, Arek Skuza Innova:on and Growth, last modied June 13, 2022, hdps:// 19
id: 06a2b60c30af56d3e7fd6922a3a284f4 - page: 19
Example A variety of guidelines has been issued across the world around ethical AI.34 While the precise rela>onship between ethics and AI legisla>on con>nues to s>r debate35,36, governments are moving from AI guidelines towards binding regula>on now. For example, the EU AI Act represents one of the worlds rst eorts to regulate AI.37 It is designed to help AI uptake while banning risky AI technology and applica>ons.38 Such legisla>on will signicantly inuence how businesses engineer and apply AI models. One conten>ous point in the act concerns the development and applica>on of founda>on models; (ethical) arguments around regula>ng founda>on models include their use in the development of general-purpose AI. However, restric>on of founda>on models would arguably limit the compe>>veness of EU companies compared with the rest of the 34 Jobin, Anna, Marcello Ienca, and Ey Vayena. The global landscape of AI ethics guidelines. Nature Machine Intelligence 1, no. 9 (2019): 389-399.
id: c0c1e9561574e5919aec0d3038f373aa - page: 20
35 Anderson, Marc M. Some Ethical Reec:ons on the EU AI Act. In IAIL 2022: 1st InternaVonal Workshop on Imagining the AI Landscape A_er the AI Act, vol. 3221. 2022. 36 Catanzari:, Mariavidoria. What Role for Ethics in the Law of AI?. In ArVcial Intelligence, Social Harms and Human Rights, pp. 141-159. Cham: Springer Interna:onal Publishing, 2023. 37 EU agrees historic deal with worlds rst laws to regulate AI, The Guardian, last modied December 9, 2023, hdps:// 38 Schued, Jonas. Risk management in the ar:cial intelligence act. European Journal of Risk RegulaVon (2023): 1-19. 20 world.39 Hence, the ethics surrounding (quantum) AI regula>on have a direct impact on businesspersons. Recommenda6ons Be clear about which primary targets your business has shareholder value? Ethics?
id: b3b0e7553a524cfe3e9fe47650499934 - page: 20
Social goals? Long-term survival? Be exible and adapt as new laws loom based on shifs in technological progress and societal values. Be mindful of interna>onal dierences in regula>on. 39 Will Disagreement Over Founda:on Models Put the EU AI Act at Risk?, Tech Policy Press, last modied November 29, 2023, hdps:// 21 4. ARGUMENT FOR ACKNOWLEDGING COMPLEXITY: THE CASE FOR INDIVIDUAL ETHOS,
id: 46490aadf2511711a4485b0e768d38fe - page: 21
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