Ketal Patel and James Wells write this piece from the position of two art educators of color; one identifying as Indian American, and one identifying as Black. Our stance is not that of experts but of collaborators, artists, and art educators (Figure 1). Combined, we have over 30 years of experience spanning preK–12 sites, museums, and not-for-profi t organizations at varying local, state, and national settings that have placed us in the middle of equity, diversity, and inclusion (ED&I) discourses. Our narratives serve as a starting point through this article to examine our paths into the fi eld, our encounters with ED&I work, and hopes to support systemic change over time in our fi eld. We write our discussions as a storied approach (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000) in how we see possible equitable practices through art education. Implications of ED&I Through Our Origin Stories Into Art EducationKetal’s Story In high school, I spent most of my open course time in the ceramics lab. My art teacher supported an independent study course where I could develop my work and learn about the kiln-fi ring process. I loved my time in the art classroom and am forever grateful to the art educators that helped me grow. Th e experiences I had there helped shape the trajectory of my life. I knew I wanted to build a life in and through art. When I started college, I enrolled in a business program because I didn’t know there was a path to art education. Th ankfully, my stint as an accounting major was not Experiences, Fears, and HopesKetal Patel and James Wells Stories ofEquity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Figure 1. Word cloud of our collaborative dialogue.It is not simply the idea that representation matters; it is the idea that the work we do has real implications on the future of our fi eld and who does and does not fi nd a place within it.
# Search
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