Created at 8pm, Mar 31
Meditation: A Love Affair with the Whole
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A BOOK THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!\'I love this book, it will change lives.\'- Deva Emanuel\'Giten is really a spiritual master of love and silence. He is a loving man, who knows the science of truth, love and life.\' - Swami Prem Pathik, Nepal\'Swami Dhyan Giten'swords are thought-provoking, memorable and inspiring. From views on society and politics to thoughts on love and life.\' - - Spiritual teacher and Amazon international best-seller author Swami Dhyan Giten's book \'Meditation: A Love Affair with the Whole\' is a gift of love, silence , joy, truth, compassion, freedom and the divine, which can change your life. The book is divided into three parts: meditation, love and prayer, the highest love, which describes the entire spiritual journey. In the book Giten also challenges our views on political and spiritual organizations.Swami Prem Pathik in Nepal says about Giten: \'Giten is really a spiritual master of love and silence. He is a loving man, who knows the science of truth, love and life.\' Deva Emanuel, musician and participant in satsang with Giten says: \'I love this book, it will change lives. Giten talks about deep subjects like God, love and truth with such simplicity. Satsang with Gitenis a beautiful spiritual flower.\' says: \'Swami Dhyan Giten's words are thought-provoking, memorable and inspiring. From views on society and politics to thoughts on love and life.\'In this book Giten says that meditation is a state of silence, emptiness, no-mind, no-thought and no-desire. He says that meditation is experienced when it becomes a love affair with the whole. Giten says that love is the criteria for how our meditation grows. Giten says that love starts with loving and accepting yourself as you are. The moment love becomes a flower of our being, our life becomes meaningful. Giten says also that love demands the ultimate sacrifice: the sacrifice of the ego. Unless you surrender the ego, love is not possible. Live according to your heart, living according to your love, live according to your truth, and you will never go wrong. Giten says that when our love grows, a new experience happens, which is prayer. Giten says that prayer is the highest form of love, where we become one withthe whole. The greatest joy in life is to become part of the whole. To discover it is the whole purpose of life.This book is a compilation of lectures from satsang with Swami Dhyan Giten between March 2022 and September 2023 in Stockholm.Swami Dhyan Giten's quotes, articles and books have touched the hearts of thousands of people. The influence from his teaching and books continues to reach intelligent people and seekers of truth in virtually all countries in the world.

INTERNATIONAL COMMENTS This gross attack against me created many comments and reactions from all over the world: Padma, my beloved friend and participant in satsang with me, said: I am ashamed by the attack on Giten from the Swedish sannyas movement. I am ashamed that people that have been sannyasins for so long are so unconscious. Prem Pathik in India commented: This must be a few people, who are really not living their lives as they like. You are real. Authentic on your way and self. A loving man, who knows the science of truth, love and life. You will have to stand with your own being. You can. My love wishes to you Always. I know you are right on your way. These women who are just now searching a deeper space can never know you. You know yourself. It's enough. Love to you. 152
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The Swedish professor in theoretical physics, Brage Norin, commented: Continue to do your work regardless of the hatred directed at you. The more hatred you arouse the more dangerous you are seen by evil. That is a good grade. Brage Norin, professor of theoretical physics, internationally acclaimed international climate researcher, representative of the Swedish Energy Commission in China, consultant for the Swedish think tank Skogsa Sad to hear, but no surprise really, these tendencies are in us all and everywhere. The spiritual ego is maybe the strongest.
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Azman Hansraj Hgberg, Sweden Continue your good work, where you are appreciated and do not give any energy to those that do not appreciate you. Do not let them drag you down to their level, which does not suit you." Lennart Hallstrom, founder and editor, The Light in Pages, the Sweden largest alternative news channel 153 "Always the same hello about what you do, and do it well" Marie Sderberg, psychotherapist, Stockholm, who has done groups and satsang with Giten for 25 years. I am sorry to hear that you have been treated in this way
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Rani Spets, breathe therapist, Stockholm. An Indian commented on the negativity against me from the Osho center in Stockholm by saying that there is always a competition of who is more spiritually developed in religious organizations, and that Sweden is a negative culture. Hari Deva, one of the oldest sannyasins in Sweden said: A piece of advice in all good faith. Continue forward without looking back, let others do what they are supposed to do, it is their choice you do not need their limitations.
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