Created at 9pm, Apr 11
ProactiveHealth & Lifestyle
Tantric Sex
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Tantric sex is a practice rooted in the ancient Indian spiritual tradition of Tantra. It involves connecting deeply with a partner through various physical, emotional, and spiritual techniques to achieve a heightened state of intimacy and pleasure.Unlike conventional sexual practices, which often focus solely on physical pleasure and orgasm, tantric sex emphasizes mindfulness, breath control, and the exchange of energy between partners. It's about slowing down, being present in the moment, and cultivating a deep connection with your partner.Tantric sex often incorporates meditation, breathwork, eye gazing, and sensual touch to create a profound sense of intimacy and ecstasy. The goal is not just to achieve orgasm but to experience a deeper connection with oneself and one's partner.Some key principles of tantric sex include:Presence: Being fully present in the moment with your partner, letting go of distractions and worries.Breathwork: Using deep, synchronized breathing to enhance relaxation and energy flow.Sensuality: Engaging all the senses to heighten pleasure and intimacy.Energy exchange: Viewing sexual energy as a powerful force that can be harnessed and shared between partners.Connection: Fostering a deep emotional and spiritual connection with your partner.Tantric sex can be practiced by couples of any sexual orientation or relationship status, and it's often viewed as a way to deepen intimacy and strengthen relationships. However, it's essential to approach tantric practices with an open mind and a willingness to explore new techniques and experiences with your partner.

During the performance of the Black Lotus, insert the tip of one finger slightly into her anus, gently moving your finger in circles. Be sure to ask permission before attempting this move, as not all women are receptive to anal stimulation. If she liked the Black Lotus, she will be more receptive to this. Make sure you use plenty of lubrication, go slowly, and gauge her cues. 3. The Blue Lotus: During rear entry, when she is nearing orgasm, massage her perineum in a circular motion. Rub her gently until she says she can't handle more, or until she climaxes. Women differ in how much stimulation they can take, so make sure you pay attention to what is pleasurable to her. As every woman is different, experimentation and practice are the best way to discover what makes your partner tick. Some women report that a perineum massage assists them in releasing natural moisture, so less lubrication is needed. As with all sexual exploration, communica
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C H A P T E R 4 THE MALE BODY While it is widely held that women can have multiple orgasms whereas most men cannot, practicing Tantric techniques can, in fact, enable men to become multi-orgasmic, separating orgasm from ejaculation, thus extending lovemaking duration. Men who practice Tantra also come to understand that they can both give and receive pleasure with or without an erection, and this is beneficial to the couple as a whole. Through Tantra, men become empowered in their sexuality by mastering it, slowing down and not becoming ashamed of it. The Lingam (Penis) "Lingam" is the Sanskrit word for the penis and is literally translated to mean "wand of light". In Tantra, the Lingam is viewed with respect and honored as a wand of light that channels energy and pleasure. Orgasm may offer a pleasant side-effect to receipt of a Lingam massage, but it is never the goal. The goal is to massage the organ, encourag
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Men must learn to relax and receive pleasure that is not goal (orgasm) oriented, as is common with traditional sexual expectation. Taoist belief holds that the Lingam has reflex points similar to those in the feet or hands which when stimulated properly can affect the whole organ, allowing the massage to be both healing and sexual simultaneously. Applying pressure to different pressure points in the Lingam disperses energy to the entire body, leading to a wave-like experience of pleasure. This energy is dispersed all over the body, and then is built upon. In this fashion, men are able to experience fullbody orgasms, and this wave of pleasure can last for a much longer time than a regular orgasm. How to Give a Tantric Lingam Massage Prepare a quiet dim space with a bed, futon, or a blanket and pillows on the floor. Make sure that the temperature is slightly warmer than normal, as you will both be n
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Lighting candles is an excellent idea both for lighting and temperature regulation. Your high-quality oils and lubricants should be within reach. Using spill-resistant bottles and plastic instead of glass is advised. And most of all make sure that you have a few hours of uninterrupted time so that you won't feel rushed. Begin by standing or sitting face-to-face, and breathe deeply together. Touch each
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