Created at 8pm, Jan 29
t2ruvaArtificial Intelligence
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Efforts for better services are achieved by small steps such as analyzing data of the customer. What issignificant for the customer should as well significant for the banking institution. Transparency and a better understandding of the pattern behavior of customers can be used for the good of both partners such as good relationships in the future eventually be beneficial for the customer as well as a banking institution. The responsibility of both sides is crucialto understand the accountability of customers and banking institutions. The method of identification of user messagesof the banking application proposed in the article involves the use of user data for information processing, taking intoaccount the peculiarities of the use of mobile devices and the user's dialogue with bank messages. Also, the proposedmethod allows you to rank messages to identify the most important messages and get the desired result by providing effective recommendations in favor of each of the participants in customer interaction with the bank. The introduction ofmodern educational programs \'Information Control Systems and Technologies\', \'Artificial Intelligence Systems\' and\'Systems Analysis\' in the field of information technology, allows users and managers to interact with the bank's customers sufficient information to make informed recommendations for effective management decisions. The article considers the conceptual model of interaction of users and managers on interaction with users of the bank, use of technologies and algorithms of artificial intelligence, machine learning processes to formalize the process of dialogue, systematization and ranking of messages and notifications between customers and managers. The Conceptual model of interaction of the user of banking services with messages is presented. The article also describes the features of the dialoguebetween the user of banking services and the manager for the implementation of algorithms for interaction with customers. The example of the city block of bank users considers and takes into account the difference in the amount of information received by the bank, which must be sent during different periods of the week and take into account theamount of information to be sent, which will be significantly less and, consequently, the number of necessary services.will also be smaller. In this example, taking into account the amount of information that can be consumed during differrent periods of the week, the number of services that can be provided to the user will also be much smaller. The reflection of such interactions in the model is an important aspect, as noted in the article.

Implementing even a small portion of those innovations requires technical knowledge of AI and ML. It might be challenging to attract sufficient personnel possessing these specific skills. At Board of directors level, sufficient knowledge should be present, enabling the Board to assess the risks of AI . Second line personnel should be trained to understand AI specific challenges and risks. Personnel working with AI applications should be made aware of the strengths and limitations (Van der Burgt 2019). When there is some or full automation of the process from data gathering to decision making, human oversight is essential. This becomes more necessary as the level of automation rises, or when ML techniques become more prescriptive.
id: 15d3d3dfa018019d54fb698eb6099839 - page: 4
When taking all of the risks mentioned above into account, it seems apparent that the use of AI and ML techniques also brings about extra challenges in the context of the common ambition of integrated risk management within banks. Use cases being dispersed throughout different parts of the bank could hinder integrated risk management and an integrated approach towards these risks. The next generation of technic can be implemented even today with a better understanding of technology which powered those aspects of life as consumption of banking services. Another important part of customer consumption is health care products such as medicine. In order to prevent or even help, the bank can integrate the system of health care data of the patient with his ability to buy .. , .. ISSN 2710-1673. Artificial Intelligence, 2020, 4
id: b2e239fa88881560263deab3ce6ded96 - page: 4
Average health care coverage is highly influenced by the decision of how much medicine the person can buy, it's important to make medicine more affordable for the majority of people who also, as a matter of a fact are the customer of the bank. During the time which can be crucial for citizenship, in order to overcome the recession or bad financial period of economic development decision made by artificial intelligence when the history of person was taken into account can be much effective. In such a way that personal lives are taken into account as a value for the bank. Such significant changes of bank position in the life of the person have even more significant influence on the bank as an institution. The ability to pay for medicine can be calculated at the beginning of the process. At the first stage person who is responsible for his life and the life of his family should have trust for the institutions of the financial system.
id: c4e9067d5a46f96851cdd3a9b5787ec3 - page: 5
Trust can be evaluated by some criteria such as the number of customers, who subscribe for services as well as their evaluation of the level of the services. As an example, nice looking first flor of the banking department can increase the level of evaluation a lot. Those things as nice looking banking department or even the main department currently is achieved by human efforts, that means that level of service quality can be different from time to time, especially it matters when a huge number of people visit the banking department, due to the reason of inability to provide service of cleaning at the middle of the day, banking department can look really bad at the end of the day. It will be nice to have a good quality of service without the necessity of human interaction this can be achieved by using the pattern and behavior of customers as well as a good machine learning model . Such a model can have a lot of criteria taking into account some of the most importan
id: 9ee8f99cc5e75697b41b0d51574e1ab3 - page: 5
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curl -X POST "" \
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-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "eTGmcu6jfcG-jhZGPknVsDX6tdc1UrLqP1UDwByw8Ns", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
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-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "eTGmcu6jfcG-jhZGPknVsDX6tdc1UrLqP1UDwByw8Ns", "level": 2}'