Created at 11am, Apr 19
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The subject of Sex is most difficult to deal with, not only on account of acertain prudery as well as a natural reticence on the subject, but doubtless alsobecause the passion itself being so tremendously strong and occupying such alarge part of human thought—and words being so scanty and inadequate on thesubject—everything that is said is liable to be misunderstood; the most violentinferences are made, and equivocations surmised, from the simplest remarks;qualified admissions of liberty are interpreted into recommendations ofunbridled licence; and generally the perspective of literary expression is turnedupside down by the effect of the unfamiliarity of the topic on the reader's mind.There is indeed a vast deal of fetishism in the current treatment of Sex; andthe subject is dealt with as though it lay quite out of line with any other need orfaculty of human nature. Nor can one altogether be surprised at this when oneperceives of what vast import Sex is in the scheme of things, and how deeply it ithas been associated since the earliest times not only with man's personalimpulses but even with his religious sentiments and ceremonials.Next to hunger this is doubtless the most primitive and imperative of ourneeds. But in modern civilised life Sex enters probably even more intoconsciousness than hunger. For the hunger-needs of the human race are in thelater societies fairly well satisfied, but the sex-desires are strongly restrained,both by law and custom, from satisfaction—and so assert themselves all themore in thought.To find the place of these desires, their utterance, their control, their personalimport, their social import, is a tremendous problem to every youth and girl, manand woman.

Possibly, and indeed probably, as the sentiment of common life and common interest grows, and the capacity for true companionship increases with the decrease of self-regarding anxiety, the importance of the mere sex-act will dwindle till it comes to be regarded as only one very specialised factor in the full total of human love. There is no doubt that with the full realisation of affectional union the need of actual bodily congress loses some of its urgency; and it is not difficult to see in our present-day social life that the want of the former is (according to the law of transmutation) one marked cause of the violence and extravagance of the lower passions. But however things may change with the further evolution of man, there is no doubt that first of all the sex-relation must
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Sex is the allegory of Love in the physical world. It is from this fact that it derives its immense power. The aim of Love is non-differentiationabsolute union of being; but absolute union can only be found at the centre of existence. Therefore whoever has truly found another has found not only that other, and with that other himself, but has found also a thirdwho dwells at the centre and holds the plastic material of the universe in the palm of his hand, and is a creator of sensible forms.
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Similarly the aim of sex is union and non-differentiationbut on the physical plane,and in the moment when this union is accomplished creation takes place, and the generation (in the plastic material of the sex-elements) of sensible forms. In the animal and lower human worldand wherever the creature is incapable of realising the perfect love (which is indeed able to transform it into a god) Nature in the purely physical instincts does the next best thing, that is, she effects a corporeal union and so generates another creature who by the very process of his generation shall be one step nearer to the universal soul and the realisation of the desired end. Nevertheless the moment the other love and all that goes with it is realised the natural sexual love has to fall into a secondary placethe lover must stand on his feet and not on his heador else the most dire confusions ensue, and torments onian.
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Taking all together I think it may fairly be said that the prime object of Sex is union, the physical union as the allegory and expression of the real union, and that generation is a secondary object or result of this union. If we go to the lowest material expressions of Sexas among the protozoic cellswe find that they, the cells, unite together, two into one; and that, as a result of the nutrition that ensues, this joint cell after a time (but not always) breaks up by fission into a number of progeny cells; or if on the other hand we go to the very highest expression of Sex, in the sentiment of Love, we find the latter takes the form chiefly and before all else of a desire for union, and only in lesser degree of a desire for race-propagation. I mention this because it probably makes a good deal of difference in our
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