Created at 12pm, Feb 5
Donald Trump's economy policy
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Trump’s Wisdom for the International PoliticalEconomy: A Way to Collective Carnage?

In addition to Trumps intention to attract U.S. companies back into the country, the Trump administration will play with tariffs and other trade barriers in order to enhance domestic business. In a similar vein, imports from non-U.S. companies will also be restricted, as Trump hinted in his speech in Brussels, in May 2017, that the Germans are bad, very bad... Look at the millions of cars they sell in the U.S. Terrible. Well stop that.43 Recently, 117
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Trumps policies to alter the general course of imports were articulated in his proposal to impose a 25 percent tariff on steel imports and a 10 percent tariff on aluminium.44 As expected, the announcement sent a shock to the EU and other trade allies, who immediately threatened the U.S. by retaliating with their own weapon, trade barriers. Although the president tweeted, trade wars are good and easy to win, officials who are well aware of the upcoming dangers to the global political economy are working to alleviate the allies fears and calm down the president.45 Despite the Trump administrations intention to revitalize business capital spending the U.S., however, it is not clear whether Trumps presence will encourage or discourage investment in the U.S.
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Another strategy is to make the U.S. more attractive to investment by offering high incentives for domestic and foreign capital. If you want to invest in the U.S., Trump stated in his Davos speech on January 26, 2018, there has never been a better time to do business in America.46 Despite the Trump administrations intention to revitalize business capital spending in the U.S., however, it is not clear whether Trumps presence will encourage or discourage investment in the U.S. in Table 1: Trump Policies and their Possible Effects on Investment Policy Channel of Effect Evaluation Corporate tax cut or reform Enhance after-tax profits Unlikely to reduce rates as much as promised; impact on profits muted by loopholes; impact of higher profits on investment weak; may simply facilitate more corporate hoarding & dividend payouts Trade policy; end or alter trade deals, penalize imports
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Reduce offshore competition; motivate repatriation of investment May slow outward migration of manufacturing investment; uncertainty posed by supply chain disruptions; unlikely to change fundamental pressures of globalization Increase infrastructure investment Stimulate aggregate demand; improve productivity & transportation Major new spending (if approved) will accelerate aggregate demand; demand benefits partly offset by tax/user fee plans; focus of new projects may be narrow 118 Roll back energy and climate regulations Open energy investment opportunities; reduce energy costs Will allow major energy projects to proceed (e.g. pipelines, Alaska drilling); will reduce investments in renewables; energy prices not a major determinant of most investment Financial deregulation More freedom for financial innovation and speculation Measures will enhance financial profits but not real investment; will fuel speculative and housing investments more than real capital Monetary policy
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