Created at 2am, Jan 5
Campbell Biology - Chapter 1
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Themes in the study of life

2. Explain why editing is an appropriate metaphor for how natural selection acts on a populations heritable variation. WHAT IF? The three domains you learned about in 3. Concept 1.2 can be represented in the tree of life as the three main branches, with three subbranches on the eukaryotic branch being the kingdoms Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia. What if fungi and animals are more closely related to each other than either of these kingdoms is to plantsas recent evidence strongly suggests? Draw a simple branching pattern that symbolizes the proposed relationship between these three eukaryotic kingdoms. For suggested answers, see Appendix A. C O N C E P T 1.3 In studying nature, scientists make observations and then form and test hypotheses
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The word science is derived from a Latin verb meaning to know. Science is a way of knowingan approach to understanding the natural world. It developed out of our curiosity about ourselves, other life-forms, our planet, and the universe. Striving to understand seems to be one of our basic urges. At the heart of science is inquiry, a search for information and explanation, often focusing on specic questions. Inquiry drove Darwin to seek answers in nature for how species adapt to their environments. And today inquiry drives the genomic analyses that are helping us understand biological unity and diversity at the molecular level. In fact, the inquisitive mind is the engine that drives all progress in biology.
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There is no formula for successful scientic inquiry, no single scientic method with a rule book that researchers must rigidly follow. As in all quests, science includes elements of challenge, adventure, and luck, along with careful planning, reasoning, creativity, cooperation, competition, patience, and the persistence to overcome setbacks. Such diverse elements of inquiry make science far less structured than most people realize. That said, it is possible to distill certain characteristics that help to distinguish science from other ways of describing and explaining nature. Scientists attempt to understand how natural phenomena work using a process of inquiry that includes making observations, forming logical hypotheses, and testing them. The process is necessarily repetitive: In testing a hypothesis, more observations may force formation of a new hypothesis or revision of the original one, and further testing. In this way, 18 C H A P T E R 1
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Introduction: Themes in the Study of Life scientists circle closer and closer to their best estimation of the laws governing nature. Making Observations In the course of their work, scientists describe natural structures and processes as accurately as possible through careful observation and analysis of data. The observations are often valuable in their own right. For example, a series of detailed observations have shaped our understanding of cell structure, and another set of observations are currently expanding our databases of genomes of diverse species.
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