Created at 3pm, Jan 17
Prevalence and Determinants of Metabolic Syndrome in Schizophrenia Patients Treated with Antipsychotics Medications
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This study was designed to assess the demographic characteristics and prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetSy) among patients with schizophrenia in Saudi Arabia.This is a disease-oriented and observational study. Schizophrenia was defined by DSM-IV criteria. MetSy was assessed based on the international criteria (NCEP-ATP III and AHA/NHLB).Rashad Mohamed Alsanosy (2019) Prevalence and Determinants of Metabolic Syndrome in Schizophrenia Patients Treated with Antipsychotics Medications. Journal of Schizophrenia Disorders And Therapy - 1(1):19-29.

Primary 20 19.8 Intermediate 21 20.8 Secondary 26 25.7 University degree 6 5.9 Financial situation High 1 1.0 Normal 34 33.7 Poor 64 63.4 None 2 2.0 Occupation Government employee 4 4.0 Free businees 1 1.0 House wife 2 2.0 Retired 22 21.8 Unemployed able to work 29 28.7 Unemployed unable to work 43 42.6 Classification of housing type Rural 64 63.4 Urban 37 36.6 Accommodation type Residence 60 60.0 Rent 28 28.0 Private House 12 12.0 Age (years) (MeanSD) 40.6811.62 Upper and lower quartiles 38 and 42 Number of family members(MeanSD) 7.833.39|JSDT CC-license DOI : coming soon Vol-1 Issue 1 Pg. no.-23 Freely AvailableOnline Table 3: Patients and schizophrenia characteristics Frequency Percentage Status Chronic disease 96 95.0 Acute disease 5 5.0 Treatment adherence Consistently adhered 25 25.5 No adherence treatment 2 2.0 Partially adhered 71 72.4
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Hospital admission (Last 12 months), days 1 60 59.4 2 29 28.7 3 10 9.9 4 1 1.0 5 1 1.0 Days admitted (Last 12 months) 12.708.77 Duration since initial diagnosis 106.51119.41 Type of therapy Monotherapy 44 44.0 Combination therapy 56 56.0 Table 4. Pattern of use of non-antipsychotic and antipsychotic drugs Frequency Percentage Non-antipsychotic drugs Valporate 25 25.0 Benzotropine 13 13.0 Benzhexol 1 1.0 Valporate+Benzhexol 1 1.0 None 60 60 Antipsychotic Olanzapine 9 8.9 Resperidone 18 17.8 Quetiapine 2 2.0 Amisulpiride 5 5.0 Haloperidol 10 9.9 Aripirazole 3 3.0 Trifluperazine 2 2.0 Paliperidone 1 1.0 Combined medications 51 50.5|JSDT CC-license DOI : coming soon Vol-1 Issue 1 Pg. no.-24 Freely AvailableOnline Table 5. Measurements of metabolic syndrome indicators according to the guidelines Systolic Blood Pressure Mean 121.92 SD 11.07 Normal (n,%) 87(86.1) Abnormal (n,%) 14(13.9)
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Diastolic Blood Pressure 77.29 6.45 92(91.1) 9(8.9) Triglycerides (mg/dl) 26.56 16.44 74 (73.3) 27(26.7) HDL-C (mg/dl) 18.63 5.23 100 (100) 0(0) LDL (mg/dl) 45.14 17.30 Waist Circumference 90.61 14.89 74(73.3) 27(26.7) Fasting Blood Glucose FBG (mg/dl) BMI (kg/m2) 91.53 61.02 29.95 3.04 81(80.2) 20(19.8) Height (cm) 164.25 7.94 Weight (kg) 69.31 17.09 Figure 1. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among schizophrenic patients as defined by the Adult Treatment Panel (ATP) III in 2001 .|JSDT CC-license DOI : coming soon Vol-1 Issue 1 Pg. no.-25 Freely AvailableOnline model were gender, age, residence, accommodation medications. A recent study noticed that patients on type, number of family members and duration. Odd
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Prevalence of MetSy among patients upper and lower confidence intervals. OR considered with various psychiatric diagnoses and treatments were statistically significant if the intervals dont enclose the also reported with no an in-depth emphasis on value of 1. In the current study, only age and duration schizophrenic patients and that study also did not are the significant factors with the values of 0.855 and consider Jazan region . Whereby, our study only 1.121, respectively. At 0.05 level of significance, only focuses in Jazan region. age and duration of the disease have contributed Amisulpride, olanzapine, risperidone, clozapine, significantly in the development of MetSy. quetiapine are the most commonly used Discussion
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