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The Orthodox Study Bible
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The last decade of the twentieth century saw an historic event. In 1993, The OrthodoxStudyBible: New Testament and Psalms was released as the first English Bible with study materialreflecting the ancient faith of the Eastern Orthodox Church.St. Athanasius Academy, which had organized this effort, began receiving requests for thecompletion of the Old Testament—a monumental task which involved not only preparation ofthe study notes and outlines, but also the presentation of an acceptable Old Testament text.Though the Orthodox Church has never officially committed itself to a single text and list ofOld Testament books, it has traditionally used the Greek Old Testament of the Septuagint(LXX). However, in Orthodoxy’s 200-year history in North America, no English translation ofthe LXX has ever been produced by the Church.The contributors used the Alfred Rahlfs edition of the Greek text as the basis for theEnglish translation. To this base they brought two additional major sources. The first is theBrenton text, a British translation of the Greek Old Testament, published in 1851. Theavailability of this work, and the respect accorded it, made it an obvious choice as a sourcedocument. Secondly, Thomas Nelson Publishers granted use of the Old Testament text of theNew King James Version in the places where the English translation of the LXX would matchthat of the Masoretic (Hebrew) text. The development team at St. Athanasius Academycarefully studied these sources, along with other documents, to produce an English OldTestament text suitable for the project.The organization of the Old Testament books, that is, their canonical order, was taken fromThe Old Testament According to the Seventy, published with the approval of the Holy Synodof the Church of Greece. The first edition was released in June, 1928. The Old Testament textpresented in this volume does not claim to be a new or superior translation. The goal was toproduce a text to meet the Bible-reading needs of English-speaking Orthodox Christians.In some Old Testament books, including the Psalms, the numbering of chapters, andsometimes individual verses is different in the LXX version from the English translation ofthe Hebrew text (such as the New King James Version and New Revised Standard Version).To help the reader, the LXX psalm number appears first, followed by the alternate number inparentheses, such as Psalm 50 (51).In addition to the difference in the numbering of the Psalms, the books of Jeremiah andMalachi show differences in the chapter and verse numbering when comparing TheOrthodoxStudy Bible alongside English translations based on the Hebrew Old Testamenttext. The following shows how the Hebrew and LXX texts compare in the books of Jeremiahand Malachi.

4The word of the Lord came to me, saying, 5Thus says the Lord God of Israel: As these good figs, so will I acknowledge that for good things I settled the tribe of Judah in a far land, whom I sent from this place into the land of Chaldea. 6For I will set My eyes on them for good things, and restore them to this land for good things. I will build them up, and not tear them down. I will plant them, and not pluck them up. 7Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the Lord, and they shall be to Me as a people, and I will be to them as God. They shall return to Me with their whole heart. 8As for the bad figs, too rotten to eatsurely thus says the LordI shall deliver them to Zedekiah the king of Judah, his nobles, and the remnant of Jerusalem, those left in this land,
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9I will cause them to be dispersed into all the kingdoms of the earth, and they will be for a disgrace, for a parable, for a hatred, and for a curse in every place where I drive them. 10I will send famine, death, and the sword to them, until they come to an end in the land I gave to them.
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Seventy Years of Disgrace In the fourth year of Jehoiakim king of Judah, the son of Josiah, the word came to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah, 2which he spoke to all the people of Judah and all inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying, 3In the thirteenth year of Josiah king of Judah, the son of Amos, even to this day, in the twenty-third year, I spoke to you early in the morning, saying, 4I sent My servants the prophets to you, sending them early in the morning (but you did not listen, nor did you incline your ear to hear), saying, 5Let each of you turn away from his evil way and evil practices, and dwell in the land I gave to you and your fathers from ages past and forever. 6Do not go after foreign gods to serve and worship them, so you may not provoke Me with the works of your hands, to harm you. 7Yet you have not listened to Me. 25
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8Therefore thus says the Lord: Because you have not believed My words, 9behold, I shall even send a family from the north and lead them against this land, and against those living in it, and against all the nations round about her. I will make it desolate and give it up to destruction. I will render it a hissing and a perpetual disgrace. 10I will destroy from them the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, and the fragrance of ointment and the light of the lamp. 11All the land shall be for desolation, and for seventy years they shall serve among the Gentiles. 12When the seventy years are fulfilled, I will take vengeance on that nation, and I will appoint them for perpetual destruction. 13I will bring upon that land all My words I pronounced against it, and all things written in this book. 14What Jeremiah prophesied against the nations of Elam:
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