Created at 8pm, Feb 3
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216.Marmalade Pudding This pudding requires care in mixing the ingredients thoroughly together, but it proves so excellent when eaten, either cold or hot, that it fully repays the trouble of preparation. Shred six ounces of fresh beef suet, and chop it up fine; mix it with two ounces of moist sugar, a quarter of a pound of well - grated bread - crumbs, and then stir in half a pint of new milk; when these are all mixed, add the well - beaten yolks of three eggs, whisk all together for a quarter of an hour, and set it to stand on a cold stone for an hour. Butter a pudding - dish or mould thickly, place a layer of the above mixture in it, then a layer of marmalade, another layer of mixture, and so on alternately until the mixture is exhausted. For the above quantity about one pound of marmalade will be required. Whisk the whites of the eggs with a little loaf sugar and orange - flower water, place the froth at the top of the pudding, and bake for an hour and a half in a
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217.Custard Pudding Mix with a pint of cream or milk six well - beaten eggs, two tablespoonfuls of finely - sifted flour, half a small nutmeg grated, or an equal quantity of pounded cinnamon, a tablespoonful of pounded loaf sugar, and a little salt; put it into a cloth or buttered basin, that will exactly hold it, and boil it for half an hour. Serve with wine sauce. 218.Macaroni Take the yolks and white of two fresh eggs, and as much finely - sifted flour (English or American preferable to country) as will make a good
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It may be used immediately, or in the winter it may be kept good for a few days. N.B.If pipe macaroni be required, cut the macaroni in ribbons of the required width, dredge some flour over it, and put it lengthways over glass pipes, joining the two cut ends with the aid of a little raw egg, and draw the pipes out as the pastry hardens round them. For pipe macaroni, the pastry should be rolled finer. 219.Tart and Pie Crusts of Soojee To one seer and a quarter of soojee add half a seer of suet and a teaspoonful of salt. Thoroughly clean the suet, remove all the skin
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Damp the soojee for half an hour before kneading it, then knead it with the suet and a little of the yeast, recipe No. 283; divide it into parts, dredge it with flour, and roll in layers; repeat the operation two or three times, and the pastry when baked will be light and flaky. Half a seer of flour will be required for dredging and rolling. 220.Chappatee or Hand - Bread The native hand - bread is made simply of wheat - flour and water; the addition of a little salt would be an improvement. Make a good dough of flour and water, take a piece about the size of an egg, roll it out to the circumference of a half - plate, and bake it over an iron or earthen plate.
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