Created at 11pm, Mar 29
the Millionaire FASTLANE
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The “Lamborghini Prophecy” CompletesThe Millionaire Fastlane is the echo of a chance encounter I had long ago when I wasa pudgy teenager. It was a Fastlane ignition of consciousness, a resurrection triggered by a stranger driving a mythic car—a Lamborghini Countach. The Fastlanewas born, and with it the resolution and belief that creating wealth need not take50 years of financial mediocrity devoured by decades of work, decades of saving,decades of mindless frugality, and decades of 8% stock market returns.Often, this book references the Lamborghini brand, and it isn’t to brag whenI say I’ve owned a few. The Lamborghini icon represents the fulfillment of a prophecy in my life. It innocently started when I saw my first Lamborghini and it kickedmy ass out of my comfort zone. I confronted its young owner and asked a simplequestion: “How can you afford such an awesome car?”The answer I received, unveiled in chapter 2, was short and powerful, but I wishI had more. I wish that man had taken a minute, an hour, a day, or a week to talkto me. I wish that young stranger would have mentored me on how to get whatI thought the Lamborghini represented: wealth. I wish that man had reached intohis car and given me a book.Fast-forward to today. As I endanger the streets in my Lamborghini, I relivethat same moment except in role reversal. To celebrate my Fastlane success,I bought one of these legendary beasts, a Lamborghini Diablo. If you’ve never hadthe opportunity to drive a car that costs more than most people’s homes, let metell you how it works: You can’t be shy. People chase you in traffic. They tailgateyou, rubberneck, and cause accidents. Getting gas is an event: people snap photos,enraged environmentalists give you the evil eye, and haters insinuate about thelength of your penis—as if owning a Hyundai implies being well endowed. Mostly,people ask questions.The most frequent questions come from leering and inquisitive teenagers, asI was many years ago: “Wow, how can you afford one of these?” or “What do youdo?” People associate a Lamborghini with wealth, and while that’s more an illusion than anything (any dimwit can finance a Lamborghini), it’s indicative of adream lifestyle that most people conceive as incomprehensible.Now when I hear the same question I asked decades ago, I have the power togift a book and perhaps, to gift a dream. This book is my official answer.

The smallest choices made in your daily life create habits and lifestyle that forms processthey are the ones that can make the biggest impact. You cant decide to go Fastlane because that itself is just an event. A Fastlane process is hundreds of choices. Regardless of age, reflect on your life and analyze the forks in the road and where those forks have taken you. The forks are choices, both large and small, and each shares the common thread of having the magnificent power to take you somewhere different. Whatever you decide today impacts tomorrow, weeks, months, years, decades, and yes, generations. 161 If youre younger than 30, your choices are at peak horsepower because they are growing the thick branches of your choice tree. Time to put the pedal to the metal!
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The steering wheel of your life is your choices. You are exactly where you chose to be. Success is hundreds of choices that form process. Process forms lifestyle. Choice is the most powerful control you have in your life. Treasonous choices forever impact your life negatively. Your choices have significant horsepower, or trajectory into the future. The younger you are, the more potent your choices are and the more horsepower you possess. Over time, horsepower erodes as the consequences of old choices are thick and hard to bend. 24 Wipe Your Windshield Clean Until we see what we are, we cannot take steps to become what we should be.
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~ Charlotte P. Gilman wiP e your windshie Ld cL ean While pumping gas into my Lamborghini, a teenager once asked me if he could snap some pictures. Sure, go ahead! I replied. After a few various rants and raves about the car, he exclaimed, I gotta get as many pictures as possible cuz Ill never be able to afford one of these. Do you see a problem in that conclusion? This young man made a choice to believe he would never own a Lamborghini. He couldnt see beyond his own windshield. Is this a small choice? A treasonous choice? A choice of significant horsepower?
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This seemingly innocent choice of perception has the excruciating horsepower of treason. It is a crippler of dreams. The teens choice of perception was poor, and because of it, it would forever lead him to mediocre results. His jury had already deliberated, and the verdict was in: An extravagant car would be always out of his league, and therefore, his choices would reflect that mindset. Unfortunately, he didnt understand the debilitating effect of being clouded to our own selfconstructed windshield into the world. The c hoice oF PercePT ion In the last chapter, we discussed choices and their impact on your life. Thus far its been all about choices of actionphysical actions that produce consequences. However, if you look deeper, what causes those actions? What motivates you to act and choose? We have two types of choices: 163 164 1) Choices of perception (thought patterns) 2) Choices of action (choosing to read)
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