Created at 5pm, Feb 3
Destiny by Leighann Anderson
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Destiny by Leighann Anderson

Why? Because I chose you. But youll have your own room. Will your parents even condone this? Yes. Saphira, its Elven law that if a son has made his choice, that woman has a right to shelter if she is found without such. But like Reilly said, youll have your own room for you are unwed. Okay, now Im confused. Reilly said I can be in his room when I mentioned wanting to draw what I saw in the botanical garden. Thats true, but you cant share Reillys bed even if intimacy is allowed between the bonded. But that intimacy can only go so far, Taeral said. Taeral, that was a little blunt, my love. I know. Reilly told me, Saphira said even if she knew her face was as
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But I doubt Reilly has explained much Elven law to you, Saphira, so forgive me for what I am about to say Taeral, its not your place its mine, Reilly said, shyly. What are you both talking about? Saphira, there is another reason for that law. The bonded wed and on our marriage bed, that bond will become a claim well both share. What claim? Its difficult to explain, Saphira, but Ill try. A bond is created once the woman deems the man worthy. When the married pair consummate their marriage, the bond transforms into a claim that behaves like a chain that cant be broken without causing a lot of pain. That chain enables the pair to know where the other is and if they are hurt or not. Also, it can be seen for it creates a mark on their necks, but its always different. The mark represents the bond and claim and ensures others know the woman is no longer a possible choice.
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That sounds controlling, Reilly. Saphira, I know it sounds controlling but its not something the men purposely do. Even wedded women can choose how they live and what they choose to do. The wedded man just cant allow other men to treat their wife in an inappropriate manner. Its a natural reaction, Mirrin said as gently as she could. Fine, I will try my best to understand everything you have told me, even if my head already aches. Now, how are we going to get my pendant back? I obviously need it for protection from Petra. First, well go and see Alice and William. You and Reilly can collect your things while we explain everything to them, Taeral said. But Alice is still struggling. They have witnessed things they shouldnt have had to. Theyll wont like this after what has happened. They adopted me. That we understand, Saphira, but you cannot stay there any longer. You wont be safe and neither will they if Petra turns up at that house, Taeral said.
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Taeral, watch your tone when you speak to her, Reilly said Saphira almost gasped in shock when she saw him scowl toward Taeral. Forgive me, Reilly. I just need Saphira to understand the danger she would be in if she remains there. I think we ought to go. This discussion is starting to get heated, and I do not want an argument to break out because of me. Saphira, forgive me, my love. I just dont like anyone talking to you like that. I have witnessed it too much over the years. Just dont go all macho on me. It makes me uncomfortable. Sorry, but what does macho mean? Reilly said, completely confused. Reilly, it means you were overly assertive and even aggressive, Mirrin said. OhokayIm sorry. Lets go before this discussion ends up creating another mess due to my doing, Saphira said.
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