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Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the Chief Architect of Indian Constitution wasa scholar par excellence, a philosopher, a visionary, an emancipator and a truenationalist. He led a number of social movements to secure human rights to theoppressed and depressed sections of the society. He stands as a symbol of strugglefor social justice.The Government of Maharashtra has done a highly commendable work ofpublication of volumes of unpublished works of Dr. Ambedkar, which have broughtout his ideology and philosophy before the Nation and the world.In pursuance of the recommendations of the Centenary Celebrations Committeeof Dr. Ambedkar, constituted under the chairmanship of the then Prime Ministerof India, the Dr. Ambedkar Foundation (DAF) was set up for implementation ofdifferent schemes, projects and activities for furthering the ideology and messageof Dr. Ambedkar among the masses in India as well as abroad.The DAF took up the work of translation and publication of the Collected Worksof Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar published by the Government of Maharashtrain English and Marathi into Hindi and other regional languages. I am extremelythankful to the Government of Maharashtra’s consent for bringing out the worksof Dr. Ambedkar in English also by the Dr. Ambedkar Foundation.Dr. Ambedkar’s writings are as relevant today as were at the time when thesewere penned. He firmly believed that our political democracy must stand on thebase of social democracy which means a way of life which recognizes liberty,equality and fraternity as the principles of life. He emphasized on measuring theprogress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.According to him if we want to maintain democracy not merely in form, but alsoin fact, we must hold fast to constitutional methods of achieving our social andeconomic objectives. He advocated that in our political, social and economic life,we must have the principle of one man, one vote, one value.There is a great deal that we can learn from Dr. Ambedkar’s ideology andphilosophy which would be beneficial to our Nation building endeavor. I am gladthat the DAF is taking steps to spread Dr. Ambedkar’s ideology and philosophyto an even wider readership.I would be grateful for any suggestions on publication of works of BabasahebDr. Ambedkar.

The essence of Shaktism lies in the exclusive worship of the female deity in her most comprehensive character as the great power (Sakti) of Nature, the one mother of the Universe (Jagan-Mata, Jagad-Amba) the mighty mysterious Force whose function is to direct and control two quite distinct operations; namely, first, the working of the natural appetites and passions, whether for the support of the body by eating and drinking, or for the propagation of living organisms through sexual cohabitation; secondly, the acquisition of supernatural faculties and magical powers (siddhi), whether for a mans own individual exaltation or for the annihilation of his opponents. And here it is necessary to observe that the Sakta form of Hinduism is equipped with a vast mythological Personnel of its ownan immense array of female personalities, constituting a distinct division of the Hindu Pantheon.
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Yet the whole array of the Tantrik female Pantheon spreading out as it does into countless ramifications, Shaktism has its root in the wife of Shiva. By common consent she is held to be the source or first point of departure of the entire female mythological system. She also stands at its head; and it is remarkable that in every one of the male God Shivas characteristics, his consort is not only his counterpart, but a representation of all his attributes intensified. We have already pointed out how it came to pass that the male God gradually gathered under his own personality the attributes and functions of all other divinities, and thus became to his own special worshippers the great God (Mahadevah) of Hinduism. Similarly and in a much greater degree did his female counterpart become the one great goddess (Maha-devi) of the Sakta hierarchy: representing in her own person all other female manifestations of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, and absorbing all their functions. For this reason eve
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As to the opposite and contradictory qualities attributed to her, these are no source of difficulty to a Hindu mind. She is simply in all respects a duplicate of her husband but a duplicate painted in deeper or more vivid colours.
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And just as Shiva is at one time white (Sveta, Sukla) both in complexion and character, at another black (Kala); so his female 178 z:\ ambedkar\vol-04\vol4-05.indd MK SJ+DK+YS 23-9-2013/YS-8-11-2013
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