Created at 9pm, Jan 4
Types Of Employment Contracts In Croatia
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The notice period for contracted trial work is at least one week, but it can be longer, if otherwise agreed or if some other legal source is applicable that prescribes a right more favorable for the worker (collective agreement, work regulations, agreement between the works council and the employer, contract about work). Therefore, the notice period cannot be shorter than seven days, but the employer and employee can agree on a different, longer period. The notice period begins on the day of delivery of the notice of termination of the employment contract. In order to preserve the rights that the worker acquired during the employment relationship with the employer, the new provision of the Labor Law stipulates the right to a notice period and severance pay in the event that, during the employment relationship, the employer and the worker concluded a new employment contract or amended the existing contract in order to perform other tasks, for the performance of which a probationary peri
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Cancellation of the employment contract before the expiration of the trial period Considering the nature of trial work and contracting with the aim of checking whether the worker is suitable for the position for which he has entered into an employment contract, the question arises as to whether the employer can cancel the employment even before the expiration of the trial period if he realizes that the worker is not capable of performing the work that the employer trusted him, nor will he be able to perform the same in the future? Namely, in practice, there have been frequent situations where the worker and the employer agree on a trial period of, for example, 6 months when concluding an employment contract, and the employer already after 3 months undoubtedly sees that the worker is not and will not be able to perform the work that his
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In such cases, it was unreasonable to expect the employer to wait for the end of the trial period to the employee's employment contract. the taken Jurisprudence has position contracting trial work is an instrument of protection for both the employer and the employee, the purpose of which, from the employer's point of view, is to enable him to check the worker's working abilities in a certain period of time from the beginning of the employment relationship, and the worker's point of view to limit the time duration of uncertainty for the worker whether he is satisfied at work. In this sense, the courts legislator consider assessed a maximum period of six months as optimal for the duration and assessment of probationary work. terminate that from that
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s work ability. Therefore, it is considered that the employer can give notice of termination of the employment contract even before the end of the contracted probationary period, if even then the work of the employee is judged to be unsatisfactory, respecting while of course the duration of the notice period. In accordance with the the dissatisfaction of above, the employee on probation is justified reason a particularly for the the employment contract, which can be terminated by the employee during its duration, but no later than on the last day of the probationary period. to termination of 13 14 COPYRIGHT AGREEMENT What additional conditions must be met for a work to be considered an author's work?
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How to Retrieve?
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curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"rerank": true, "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "jioRVObNI2iw74wuSLauDEalgunrfl3GkyGOpqMNfdI", "query": "What is alexanDRIA library?"}'
# Query

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"vector": [0.123, 0.5236], "top_n": 10, "contract_id": "jioRVObNI2iw74wuSLauDEalgunrfl3GkyGOpqMNfdI", "level": 2}'