Created at 6pm, Jan 20
Data Ethics and Governance Concepts and Definitions
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This pdf file includes the important keywords and definitions of the topic called \'Data Ethics and Governance\'.

Data Governance: What is Data Governance? -> Managing the availability, usability, integrity and security of the data in enterprise systems. How does it do that? -> based on interna5onal data standards and policies that control data usage. Why? ensure that data quality is consistent and trustworthy. ensure that data is not misused or abused. increase the business value of data. reduce costs helps to ensure the con5nued existence of the company. Statement of Authority: Exercise of authority and control Framework: A system of decision rights and accountabili5es for informa5on-related processes, executed according to agreed-upon models which describe who can take what ac5ons, with what informa5on and when, under what circumstances, using what methods etc. Goals of Data Governance 1. 2. 3. 4. Improve the strategic direc5on of the organisa5on. More eec5ve opera5onal processes. Reduce organisa5onal fric5on. Ensure organisa5onal accountability and compliance.
id: bcf4c016531725e7db4d3257e41919d1 - page: 1
Data Governance vs Data Management >Data Management is the process of gathering, storing, organising and maintaining data created and collected by an organisa5on. >Data Governance determines the overall prac5ce of data management. It is regarded as the management of data management and envisages a separa5on between those governing and those managing. Doing things right vs Doing the right thing
id: 28970c7ac85c697941594dd4154dfe7f - page: 1
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