Created at 10am, Mar 5
A History of Alchemy and its Influence on Chemistry
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David V. Black and the Chemistry Students at Walden School of Liberal Arts

13th Century English ,iar Attended Oxford and concentrated on mathematics and science Developed the ideal formula for gunpowder based on Chinese descriptions Knew his discovery was dangerous, so he wrote the recipe as a cipher (anagram) Arrested several times Supposedly created a talking brass head and other marvels Tuesday, October 19, 2010 Ramon Llull Born 1232 in Palma, a city on the island of Majorca (Spanish) Courtier and womanizer as a young man in the court of King James of Aragon Sudden conversion to religion; dedicated his life to preaching Christianity to Muslims, went on a hermitage for nine years and wrote books in Catalan Fluent in Arabic, Latin, and Occitan Died a)er being stoned in Tunis Tuesday, October 19, 2010 Ramon Llulls Alchemy Most of his alchemical works are probably wrongly attributed to him
id: 4ea69f75548a50e12697ba2fd5a74357 - page: 19
Credited with writing Ars Magna (the Great Art) Developed a type of computational system (Borda System) for religious logic; used wheels within wheels to generate arguments Tuesday, October 19, 2010 John of Rupescissa Spanish monk who lived around 1366 Known for experiments in disti#ation and using chemicals to cure diseases (the Panacea) Supposedly created the Philosophers Stone Was denounced and imprisoned Possible source of Pseudo-Geber texts Tuesday, October 19, 2010 Nicholas Flamel Born mid-1300s French scribe, manuscript se#er, and alchemist Met an angel while traveling to Spain who told him the secret of the Stone Used the Stone to produce the Elixir of Life; he and his wife Perene#e are supposed to be immortal Tombstone dates his death as 1418 but his grave is supposedly empty; has hieroglyphs that te# the secret His house sti# exists in Paris and is now a restaurant Tuesday, October 19, 2010
id: 6502752cea92e349ea3b965191ccbca8 - page: 21
Basil Valentine Born 1394; a Benedictine Monk and Canon of the Priory of St. Peter in Erfurt, Germany Discovered that ammonia could be produced ,om sal ammoniac; hydrochloric acid ,om acidied brine; copper and sulfur ,om chalcopyrite Works: Currus Triumphalis Antimonii (Triumphal Chariot of Antimony); The Twelve Keys; Of the First Tincture, Root, and Spirit of Metals; and Last Will and Testament Tuesday, October 19, 2010 The Twelve Keys Mystical symbols that wi# lead to the Philosophers Stone and fountain of health Translated and retranslated throughout Europe Tuesday, October 19, 2010 George Ripley 15th Century English alchemist: Canon of Birdlington; a wealthy country squire Favored by Pope Innocent VIII Supposed to have been able to transmute metals A#egorical writings are hard to understand; include Liber Duodecem Portarum, Marrow of Alchemy, and the Ripley Scrowle Wrote about the Twelve Gates of Alchemy Tuesday, October 19, 2010
id: 379a89c67fe7a0d901e1109e53f77a35 - page: 24
Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim) Paracelsus (Aureolus Philippus Born in Switzerland in 1493 Is known as the Luther of Medicine; attempted to reform medical practice to be based on correct anatomy, observation, and medicines instead of blindly fo#owing Galen or Celsus Paracelsus means better than Celsus Considered one of the greatest iatrochemists (pharmacists) Tuesday, October 19, 2010 Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim) Paracelsus (Aureolus Philippus Never gained a medical degree but worked as a surgeon in mercenary armies; kicked out of several universities Believed more knowledge could be gained ,om consulting old women than ,om a# the medical texts of the day Published many almanacs and medical books; credited with several alchemical texts Developed successful treatments for several diseases Tuesday, October 19, 2010 Michael Maier Born 1568 in Holstein, Germany
id: 225765dec3ec8e1331fac76c2785eb8e - page: 27
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