Created at 7pm, Aug 11
Borussia Dortmund
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Borussia Dortmund

CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION People in Germany have access to sanitation and clean drinking water, and the country is currently not facing a water shortage. However, the hot summers in recent years have demonstrated that Germany is not immune to the effects of climate change. That is why BVB is taking the responsible consumption of water very seriously. At the club's state-of-the-art training ground in Dortmund-Brackel, rainwater is collected in cisterns and used to irrigate the pitches. Although this is not yet the case at the stadium, we are currently looking into collecting rainwater to use for ushing toilets and watering the pitch.
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SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES Borussia Dortmund has deep roots in the city and region, and together with our partners, we are working to advance social, economic and ecological development in the region. For us, the key to promoting social advancement in the long term is a sustainable stadium. This is closely aligned with spectator safety, the stadium experience, energy efciency, the use of renewable energy, mobility concepts and policies, sustainable use of resources and strengthening community ties. These aspects of sustainable development are all inextricably entwined in an urban context.
id: 0e511b6a94c64927498305699eeeeec2 - page: 44
AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY The supply of affordable and clean energy is a major challenge of critical importance for almost every society. Whether it's jobs, security, climate change, food production, or economic development, access to and consumption of clean energy is essential. That is why it is so important to us that we use our appeal to raise our fans' awareness and encourage them to make the switch to renewable energy. We put this 86 2020/2021 Sustainability Report 2020/2021 Sustainability Report 87 88 Focal point of our work: The stadium and its surroundings Spectator safety Part of the Non-nancial
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Statement Spectator safety 103-1 103-2 103-3 Concept and objectives Our explicit aim and top priority is ensuring the safety of visitors to SIGNAL IDUNA PARK. The management team has lead responsibility for ensuring safety and acts as a role model when it comes to preventative action and compliance with security requirements. Security provisions and regulations are implemented systematically. Structured planning, measures and management ensure that agreed security standards are maintained and developed further. Furthermore, BVB strives to protect its spectators from every form of discrimination. All employees and individuals working on behalf of BVB are obliged to act in a way that helps to ensure a safe stadium experience and to avoid any security risks.
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