Created at 1pm, Jan 8
Famous Sculptors and Sculpture
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The aim of this work is to give in a condensed form such authentic knowledge of the great sculptors of ancient and modern times as can be obtained and a description of the masterpieces of sculpture now existing.

Mon torsol i remodelled the interior of the church of S . Matteo , and adorned it with ne sculptures . This is probably his m ost important work . The crypt he adorned with stucco reliefs , and constructed in it the tomb of Andrea Doria . He also restored the Palazzo dei Principi Doria . A t Messina, At Genoa, Mon torsol i erected a magnicent fountain on the piazza Of the cathedral . I t is of elaborate design , and is adorned with a great number of mythological and allegorical gures , the latter representing the Nile, the Ebro, the Tiber, and the brook Cam aro , near Messina . According to V asari this artist died in 1 5 63 . He had bestowed his fortune u pon the society Of artists in F10 n ow the Academy rence called the Com pagnia di S . Luca, Of Florence . [150a 1504 ] PROSPERO CLEMENTI . P R O S P ER O C L EMENT I .
id: 5266cdfe31a04e86ec27ef7433e77f7c - page: 183
ROSPERO CLEMENTI m ore correctly, SPANI , , or, an eminent I talian sculptor, was born at Reggio about 1 5 04 . We are told that he was taught the prin cipl e s of art by his grandfather, who was considered on e of the ablest sculptors of hi s tim e . I t has been said that Clementi was a pupil of Michael A ngelo ; and thou gh there is som e doubt of this, he was certainly an imitator of the great masters style . The greater number of his works are to be seen in his native town of Reggio . I n the cathedral are several m onum ents and statues by him . F or the principal e u trance to the cathedral, he executed colossal statues of Adam and Eve ; v arious other statues which adorn the facade are by his pupils . The nest of the monuments is that Of Ugo Rangon i it was exe cu te d about 1 5 61 , and is considerd the master work Of the artist .
id: 108bdae5b2ba42568b34da9173e689b7 - page: 184
, Bishop Of Reggio I n the cathedral of Parma, the principal altar is the work of Clementi his ne m onument of the j urist Prati I n the cathedral at Mantua is to be seen in the crypt. Bishop of Mantua, executed by is the tomb of A n dre asi Clementi in 1 5 5 1 . , artists works are for correctness of design , and for an ex quisite beauty of conception . He has been cal led the Correggio of sculpture , on account of the grace Of form which characterizes his productions . This rem arkable He died in 1 5 84 . His tom b is in a chapel of the cathedral at Reggio, where is to be seen a ne bust of the sculptor, executed by his pupil , Racchione . 5 9 160 SCULPTORS OF THE RENAI SSANCE. G I R O L A MO L O MBA R D O .
id: 8f12fa82c9c3a5079e20c9ea5efa110c - page: 184
I ROLAMO LOMBARD O I talian sculptor, was born at Ferrara about 1 5 1 0. He studied under Andrea Contu cci (Sansovino) , and in conj unction with another artist completed work which that master left unnished at his death . , I n sculpture Girolamo adhered to the principles of a , whi ch secured more fortunate period Of art than hi s own a noble style of composition ; hi s works were also dis tingu ish e d for a delicate and tasteful execution . He was on e of the best of the artists who assisted in the e x e cu tion of the scul ptures of the Santa Casa at Loreto . He resided in the adj acent town of Recanati , where he estab l ish e d a foundry for the casting of his works i n bronze .
id: e4fbe715e1f0c9f187b657c380f86a72 - page: 185
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