Created at 2pm, Mar 19
ilkeArtificial Intelligence
Daily Tech News - Textured AI – DTNS 4728
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How is Adobe using AI to speed up game development? Plus why has Sony paused the manufacture of its PlayStation VR2 headset? And Bloomberg reports sources say Apple and Alphabet are in negotiations to use Google Gemini for some AI services in a future version of iOS.Starring Tom Merritt, Scott Johnson, Roger Chang, Joe, March 2024

Yeah, I don't think I can see a Sony PlayStation VR headset that runs Windows either. So it's not going to be standalone no matter what. Well, folks, I know a lot of you are Apple fans and you're like, hold on, you just went like more than five minutes not talking about Apple. We got an entire show for you. It's called Apple Vision Show. Now, they do talk about the Apple Vision Pro quite a bit on that show, but they also talk about other things from Apple. And it's not just a rumor show. This is going to help you figure out how does Apple fit into your life? Maybe you don't like Apple, but you're wondering, like, what's the big deal? Why does everybody always want Apple? This is the show for you. Sarah Lane and Eileen Rivera, Apple Vision Show, available wherever fine podcasts are vended.
And you can find out more about it at
start: 18:36 - end: 18:42
The annual Game Developers Conference is on in San Francisco. Obviously, the conference covers game development, hence the name. But they also cover a lot of things related to game development, game design, development frameworks, and Adobe. You may have not thought of as someone who had participated in GDC, but when you're designing games, you need to design the art. So Adobe is there showing off two new integrations for its design software suite. One of them is called text to texture, which can generate photorealistic textures from a text prompt. So scaled skin or woven hemp fabric. And then the texture could be applied to a 3D model. So the texture itself is 2D, but you need to make something look a certain way in some fabric or somebody's skin that you're working on in a game. You can apply it to that 3D model. The other one's called generative background, kind of does the same thing for backgrounds. You type in some text, and it makes the image in a way that can be used for a 3D scene. So one of the examples they gave in their demonstration was abstract wave swirl with magenta blurred ribbon. It was a longer than that actually, but that gives you the idea. Then it creates a 2D background that can be adapted.
to appear 3D in the background of your image.
start: 19:59 - end: 20:03
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