Created at 8pm, Jan 4
Delving Into Breath Modulation.
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By learning to let go of stressful symptoms, feelings and thoughts, by doing some deep breathing and utilizing your exhalations as channels of release, you are able to do your body/mind some true short and long term good. Take a deep breath, inhaling through nose and, when you breathe out, imagine youre blowing out a candle, exhaling firmly through the mouth. Using breath modulation when you breathe along with an audio cue can help as well. 5 Chapter 2: Benefits Of Breath Modulation
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Lower Blood Pressure While increasing physical activity, maintaining balanced weight, and consuming a diet high in fruit and veggies and light on the salt are crucial ways to lower blood pressure naturally, taking time to breathe slowly and consciously is likewise being shown to have a significantly positive effect. Research at the National Institutes of Health advises that breathing slowly for a few minutes a day is enough to help individuals lower blood pressure naturally without pills or supplements. In fact, scientists believe that how we breathe might hold a key to how the body regulates blood pressure.
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Break Down Salt Researchers claim that in addition to deep relaxation, breathing slowly breaks down the salt that we consume. If you sit there under-breathing all day (as most individuals do) and you have a high salt intake, your kidneys might be less effective at getting rid of that salt than if you're out hiking in the woods. Individuals that have high blood pressure have an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney damage, blindness and dementia. It's 6 often called the silent killer, because patients might notice no symptoms till it already has done serious damage.
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Better Circulation with Slow Breathing Many individuals have cold hands and cold feet, even in the summer. This condition is uncomfortable, is a sign of bad circulation. Circulation is what nourishes our organs and our bodies with oxygen and nutrients. It's absolutely necessary for optimum health. It may be completely restored by slow breathing! Poor circulation is related to hypertension and will lower the body's immunity. When the body cant pump blood through the arteries, the pressure builds. When blood doesn't flow well, white blood cells cant go where they're needed to defend the body against invaders. The white blood cells are core to the immune system, and they defend against viruses, cancer cells, infections, and additional illnesses. 7 -
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