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Strike and Dip of Deformed Rocks Strike (dorultu) is the direction of a line formed by the intersection of a horizontal plane with an inclined plane. Dip (eim) is an angular measurement of an inclined planes deviation from horizontal, so it must be measured at right angles to the strike. strike and dip symbol 30 NS strike 30 dip to W map Folds (Kvrmlar) Folds are bends in layered bed rock. An anticline (antiklinal) is an arched fold. The down folded counterpart of an anticline is a syncline (senklinal), a trough like fold. folds the axial In upright plane is vertical and each fold limb dips at the same angle. If the axial plane is inclined, however, the limps dip at different angles, and inclined fold the an (bakmsz). fold overturned both limbs dip in the same direction because one fold limb has been rotated more than 90 degrees from its original position so that it is now upside down. Folds in which the axial plane is horizontal called are recumbent (yatk). is In (devrik)
id: adc59d9ba3946c14163c393b63d5b689 - page: 8
Inclined Plunging Folds (Dalml Kvrmlar) They are folds in which the axis is not horizontal. Domes (dom) and Basins (havza) Domes and basins are the oval and circular equivalents of anticlines and synclines, respectively. Dome Basin Joints (Eklemler) and Faults (Faylar)Deformation by Fracture Some breaks in rocks are called joints, which are fractures along which no movement has taken place parallel with the fracture surface. When the blocks on opposite sides of a fracture move up, down or sideways the fracture is called a fault. In other words, on a fault the rock on one side of the fracture surface, the fault plane (fay yzeyi), is displaced relative to the rock on the opposite side of the fracture. Jointed strata at Arches National Park, UT. Note that at least two (eklem takm) are joint present. Photo credit: Louis J. Image from website: Maher, Jr. 00.htm sets (Tavan blou) (Taban blou) (Ters Fay) (Normal Fay)
id: d61a8580dead30c99d1bbba99490d3c6 - page: 11
(Eim atml faylar) (Dorultu atml fay) (Verev/oblik atml faylar) Sa ynl dorultu atml fay (Rigth lateral strike slip fault) Sol ynl dorultu atml fay (Left lateral strike slip fault) Verev/oblik atml fay (Oblique-slip fault) is a type of A thrust reverse fault with a fault plane dipping at less than 45 degrees. (bindirme fay) Anticline Importance for petroleum
id: ffa540b14eb23b03c9d16be373e3f930 - page: 15
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