Created at 8pm, Feb 21
Remote physiological monitoring: clinical, financial, and behavioral outcomes in a heart failure population
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The survey was content validated and administered telephonically by a CEC nurse approximately three months after participants graduation from the RPM program. RESULTS
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PMPM The 91 participants experienced a significant (p (cid:1) 0.04) reduction in PMPM costs during the 8 to 12-month period on home monitoring (average $629.79) when compared to PMPM costs in the pre-RPM period (average $1,002.81; Table 1). Participant claims from the post-monitoring period revealed a further decrease in PMPM costs (average $508.54; p (cid:1) 0.02) when compared to the pre-RPM period.
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Utilization monitor. Emergency visits per thousand member-years dropped from 1013.8 pre-RPM to 633.1 during RPM and to 573.6 post-RPM; the preto post-monitoring reduction was significant (p (cid:1) 0.01). Admissions per thousand member-years dropped from 705.2 pre-RPM to 429.4 during RPM and to 321.2 post-RPM (preto post-monitoring decrease significance: p (cid:2) 0.01). And, readmissions for HF within 60 days also decreased, from 143.3 per thousand member-years pre-RPM to 72.8 during monitoring and to 22.9 post-RPM (preto post-monitoring decrease significance: p (cid:1) 0.04).
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Examining utilization trends by gender and age group, emergency visits per thousand member-years showed decreases between the pre-RPM and the post-RPM period in five out of six comparisons (Table 3). However, the decrease was statistically significant only for the youngest males (ages 5064, p (cid:1) 0.034). The only group where there was an apparent (but nonsignificant) rise in emergency visits was females ages 6579. Overall, hospital admissions per thousand member-years showed decreases from the preRPM period to the post-RPM period for five out of six comparisons by gender and age group (Table 4). As with emergency visits, the decrease reached statistical significance only for males ages 6579 (p (cid:1) 0.031). The only exception to the downward trend in admissions was the rise in admissions among females ages 6579, also matching the pattern for emergency visits.
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